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Candy Design Anomalies: Gummi Lighthouses

If you knew me in real life, you would know that very little shocks me. I’m one of those people who finds things like comic strips and stand up comedians funny, but rarely laughs out loud. Every once in a while, though, something comes along which makes me not only laugh, but laugh long and […]

Candy Review: Vampire Repelling Garlic Mints

Do you have a Vampire problem? Well, Buffy has been off the air for a few years now, so your next best bet is to pick up some of Archie McPhee’s Vampire Repelling Garlic Mints, a tin of magically disgusting pellets designed to keep Count Dracula and his crew from vanting to suck your blood, […]

Manly Jelly Belly Flavors

(image from if it wasn’t obvious) Bertie Bott and Beanboozled have nothing on these beans.

Candy Review: Lollyphile’s Absinthe and Maple-Bacon Lollipops

There are several ways people approach eating candy. One of the main two is nostalgia for a specific candy and the other is the adventure some candies offer; some people just like enjoying their tried-and-true treat from their childhood and others love to try the newest and craziest candy for the experience. As a true […]

Retro Candy Flashback: Garbage Can-dy

(image from Retrojunk) As a kid, there are no two things more enticing in the world than candy and toys. So when the two combine together in some way it can have quite an irresistible impact. While PEZ dispensers might be the undisputed king in this novelty treat category, another contender from my youth that […]