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Candy Review: Game Night Candy

While frolicking away inside the candy store, I came across these little boxes of candy. Of course I was drawn in by the pictures of board games on the outside, as Monopoly was and is my favorite board game of all time. I also noticed there were others as well as Monopoly: Clue, Sorry and […]

Review: EAT IT! Snacks & Sweets Trivia Game

How many times have you played Trivial Pursuit and thought, “Ah, come ON! Who could possibly know the names of the four great Greek poets of the 2nd century (and who cares)?” Have you ever wished for a trivia game that asked questions about topics that matter to your day-to-day life? Topics like candy, snacks, […]

Candy Games: Indiana Jones Mint Crisp Challenge

You’d have to be living in a cave to not know that the newest Indiana Jones film Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull will be opening in theaters on May 22nd, and about time too! It seems that advertisements, posters and other promotional ties are everywhere with my favorites being the the […]

Candy Review: Jelly Belly’s BeanBoozled

Eating is a very complicated pastime when you think about it. Depending on the situation it can be a very social thing: you could easily be sharing a dinner with friends, out for an afternoon coffee break with co-workers or hosting a potluck party with family. While it’s easy to make daily meals more social, […]

Easter Candy Games: The Chocolate Bunny Test

Easter is almost upon us and that leads many to ask the timeless question: How do you eat your Chocolate Bunny? The folks over at don’t try and answer the question, but instead offer some humorous insight into your personality based on your preferred starting point for bunny munching. The results are so fun […]