Miam! Supinfocom Arles 2008 from miamteam on Vimeo. File this under coolest thing I’ve seen in a long time. Miam! is the amazing work of a team of French filmmakers. The animated short follows a young boy as he journeys up the shelves of the candy aisle and into a magical world of candy. Along […]
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Candy Cinema: Miam!
Candy Review: Tung Toos
Tung Toos – an interesting concept in the candy world. I remember how popular the temporary tattoos were when I was in junior high. A tattoo for your tongue – a candy tattoo for your tongue? Okay, sounds good! Or so I thought when the makers of Tung Toos offered to send me a sample […]
Candy Art Fun: 2nd Graders’ Jelly Bean Portrait
I got this awesome email the other day from a mom who helped her son make this totally cool jelly bean portrait in school. Check it out! (It looks even better the further away from it you are.) It was done by 2nd graders in at Saugatuck Elementary School in Westport, CT and is made […]
Candy Fun: Barbie Goes Chocolate
I come to you today with a Barbie bonanza. You may notice that our first Barbie is of the non-edible variety. I have a sneaking suspicion that there are some Candy Addicts lurking over at Mattel because why else would they come up with a Hershey’s-chocolate-inspired Barbie? The official explanation on Barbie’s box says: “For […]
Candy Event: Creating With Candy With Beth Kimmerle
The last time I headed into Dylan’s Candy Bar it was for a fairly hideous Swedish Fish event. So, it was with some trepidation that I ventured back for a media get-together with Beth Kimmerle, author of Chocolate: The Sweet History and Candy: The Sweet History (among others). Thankfully, I was pleasantly surprised by how […]