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WARHEADS for Baldheads!
What’s better than eating candy? Eating candy and supporting the fight to end kid’s cancer! It looks like WARHEADS® has teamed up with St. Baldrick’s Foundation and is sponsoring the organization’s second annual t-shirt design contest. In case you’re not familiar with the organization, St. Baldrick’s Foundation raises tons of money during its fund-raising events […]
Candy Review: Nuclear Warheads Sour QBZ
Perhaps unusually for a sour-head like myself, I’ve never actually tried Nuclear Warheads. If the name is anything to go by, they should be about the sourest candy you can get in North America, but somehow I’ve just never tried them. I guess that makes me pretty unsuited to review Warheads’ spin-off candy, Sour QBZ, […]
Warheads Warp Your Face
One of the local radio stations in my area (G105) is challenging people to try WarHeads super-sour candy and snap a picture of the face you make right after putting it in your mouth. So far, they just have pics of the morning show doing it and no pictures from listeners, but they do have […]
Candy Review: Warheads Super Sour Candy Spray
For about a dollar, I picked up Warheads Super Sour Spray at Walgreens. It took four sprays, but I finally couldn’t contain saying “this is nasty†out loud. I like Warheads candy, but the spray is gross. I made a puckery face when I tasted the liquid, but more because it tasted bad than because […]
Candy Review: X-Treme Sour Candy
Here at Candy Addict, we’ve already determined that when it comes to sour candy, there is sour, and then there is sour. I had pretty much given up my search for anything which would satisfy my sour-deprived taste buds, until I came across X-Treme Sour Candy. It had the picture of someone’s head being blown […]