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Candy Review: Skittles Fizzl’d Fruits

Skittles and I have had a pretty good relationship over the years. They make the bite-sized, fruit-flavored candy; I eat the bite-sized, fruit flavored candy. It’s a relationship that has served us both well. There’s also, like, a billion different flavor varieties of Skittles on that market, and I love every single one of them. […]

Skittles Candy Commercial: Sparky Tube Sock to Sell Skittles?

I saw this commercial for Skittles Fizzl’d Fruits and thought it was hilarious. It reminded me of being a kid with my siblings as we “charged up” in our socks to shock each other. Good times! Hardwood floors are fancy and nice, but nothing’s more fun than shag carpet! I wonder… is “sock-shocking” a favorite […]

Do you sort your Skittles, too?

(photo from bortwein) We all know there’s no right way to eat a Reese’s cup, but is this a universal truth with all candy? Apparently, the adage applies to Skittles, too. When he’s not designing super cool t-shirts, graphic designer Brandon Bortwein compiles Skittle statistics from every 2oz bag of Skittles he’s eaten in the […]

Candy Review: Skittles Crazy Cores

This past week I had the pleasure of having my father visit for the holidays. It was a great time. We explored the city, dined at my favorite eateries, and enjoyed the sweet tooth I genetically inherited from him by popping into various confection stores and leaving very, very full. When it was time to […]

Skittles Prom Dress

(photo from Theperilouspopsicle) Making your own prom dress can go one of two ways: you can end up with a Pepto-Bismol trapezoid with sleeves and a lace doily collar, ala Molly Ringwald in Pretty in Pink, or you might end up with a rainbow-inspired prom dress like the one designed by Theperilouspopsicle, a poster on […]