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Candy Review: Chocolate Mousse Peeps
It’s no secret I like Peeps. In fact, I think they’re close to candy perfection – sugary marshmallow interior plus granulated sugar exterior… how can one go wrong? It goes without saying that when I saw the Just Born booth at the All Candy Expo I made sure to make a pilgrimage into those hallowed […]
Easter Candy Review: Peeps Orange Creme Flavored Eggs
It seems I may be one of the few people in the world who actually likes Just Born’s Peeps. I mean, sure, most Candy Addicts will pop a few at Easter just to say they did, but come on, who would really eat more than two? Me. That’s right, I’m here to admit that I’m […]
Christmas, Easter, Marshmallow Peeps, and Me
Today we present another article from a Candy Addict reader. This one is from a reader named Monica: Whilst on an emergency Listerine run to CVS today (which I hate to do because it costs, like, twice as much as Target but hey, a self-proclaimed Candy Addict’s gotta take care of her pearly whites – […]
Halloween Quickie Candy Reviews: Peeps Spooky Friends, Gummi Googly Eyes, Individual Twizzlers
Well, Halloween is over, the decorations are coming down, and the candy bowl is slowly emptying. While the sweet memories are still fresh, I thought I’d share some of my favorites from this year’s haul. Peeps Spooky Friends: These are pretty much equal in their level of awesomeness with the Googly Eyes (see below). To […]
Candy Review: Peppermint Peeps
Having a popular candy blog does have its rewards. One of them is unexpected free candy in the mail. Today I came home to a package from Just Born, makers of Peeps. Inside was a package of brand new Peppermint Peeps, coming soon for the Christmas holidays. I have to be honest though – I […]