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Japanese KitKats are Good Luck Charms

Spring is approaching (well, for some of us anyways) and no one understands this better than the Japanese. The cherry blossoms (sakura) will be in bloom followed by the intense and dreaded college entrance exams that many Japanese students study so hard for. Parents of these students express their support buy buying them chocolate in […]

Review: Japanese KitKat Part 2 – Strawberry and White Maple flavors

In part one of this two part series, I reviewed the Japanese Kit Kat flavors of Noir and Wine. Today I am reviewing some more Japanese Kit Kat flavors: Strawberry and White Maple Syrup. I’m still amazed the candy companies produce different flavors in different countries. Both of these flavors came in boxes of 4 […]

Candy Review: Japanese KitKat – Noir and Wine flavors

I’ll admit it….before I started this site, I had no idea candy companies made their candies in different flavors in other countries. Well, they do. Recently, Hershey’s has come out with multiple new flavors in the U.S. – Extra Creamy, Coffee, White Chocolate, Orange Creme, and Mint. In Japan, Kit Kat is made by Nestle […]

Japanese Candy Review: Almond Dessert KitKat

Japan has a strong dedication to celebrating the change of seasons. They have special festivals, clothes, activities and (of course) foods depending on what time of year it is. In fact, Japan is now infamous for the number unique flavors they’ve been cranking out seasonally on the candy aisle. One of the stars of this […]

Japanese Candy Review: Caramel, Vanilla Beans, and Kiwifruit KitKats

The Japanese Kit Kat saga continues with no signs of slowing down. Those Candy Addicts who are new to the satisfying hobby of international candy eating may not know that Nestle, who makes KitKat in Asia (Hershey makes Kit Kat in the U.S.) seem to never tire of developing new, occasionally strange, varieties of the […]