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Candy Review: Mango Altoids
I don’t know about you, but when I think Altoids, I don’t think fruit. They’ve done a good job promoting themselves as a mint company. When I saw these I thought, aren’t they just making trouble for themselves by branching out? You do one thing well – why not stick to it? On the other […]
Candy Review: Altoids Smalls Sugar Free Mints
Altoids – the name frightens me. I immediately get an image of my head bursting into flames as a small white tablet of destruction sears the inside of my mouth and then wreaks its havoc on the rest of my body. My husband and my mother love Altoids. They laugh at me because I am […]
Candy Review: Crème de Menthe and Chocolate Crème de Menthe Altoids
I’ve always appreciated the aggressive nature of Altoids. They simply aren’t a wallflower candy. Instead, they are more like the uncle who has one too many at family gatherings and inevitably ends up dancing with his shirt off or passed out under a porch. These are mints you eat with anticipation. You know that there […]
Candy Review: Liquorice Altoids
When I received an unexpected package from our erstwhile editor, Brian, I was naturally curious to find out what was inside. As I upended the envelope, two tins of Altoids came tumbling out. (editor’s note – thanks go to the gang at Altoids for the tins). At first, I was a bit puzzled, since Brian […]
Candy Review: Altoids Dark Chocolate Dipped Mints
(click to enlarge) Sometimes new ideas are so obvious you wonder why they weren’t thought of earlier. Altoids, the curiously strong mint, covered with dark chocolate – it’s one of those things that should have been done a long time ago. Despite the fact that these don’t officially hit stores until December, the gang at […]