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Asian Candy Review: Pocky Brazilian Pudding

A recent Saturday afternoon found me cruising the aisles at a large downtown Chinese market that I’d somehow never been to in all my years of living in this town. Naturally, I made a beeline for the candy section. All the usual suspects were there – Kasugai and Lotte gummies, White Rabbits, and a few […]

Candy Review: Strawberry Tsubu Tsubu Pocky

Pocky, just like all the other candies in the market, is showing off it’s latest and greatest new flavor: “Tsubu Tsubu Strawberry”. The “Tsubu Tsubu” in the name is a Japanese onomatopoeia referencing the chunks of strawberry flesh in the flavored coating. There was a different “Tsubu Tsubu” Pocky last winter as well as a […]

Candy Review: Mousse Pocky White and Berry

One thing that makes the long winter months a little more bearable is knowing that Pocky will release new flavors in its “Mousse” line. This year is no different, as they offer the standard chocolate, white, and green tea flavors with the newcomers being “bitter” chocolate and berry. Inside each box you’ll find 3 packets […]

Candy Review: Fuyu Cocoa Pocky (Fuyu no kuchidoke)

I couldn’t help but notice this beautiful new box of Pocky on the shelf at my local asian mart. The shiny silver package with the thick cocoa dusted Pocky sticks and the large kanji reading “winter” called to me: “Hey! I’m yummy and I’m only around for a limited time this winter!” Not able to […]

Candy Review: Decorer Pocky: Chocolate and Peach

Happy White Day everyone! Whether you know it or not, today is a day when men who were given chocolate by women on Valentines Day return the favor. So of course Glico has released a set of Decorer Pocky especially for these two love oriented days. Now getting a gift for your special someone is […]