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Candy Review: Soda Can Fizzy Candy

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Soda Can Fizzy Candy 6-Pack

As I was waiting in CVS one day for a prescription to be filled I wandered around the store. I had about 20 minutes to kill and there’s not much else to do in CVS but look around. That’s when I found this little six pack of Soda Can Frizzy Candy. The six-pack is a cute little novelty and there are four flavors: lemon-lime, cola, orange and grape.

There’s actually a little plastic pop top on each can that you have to pop open to get the candy, which is kind of neat. The candies look like Tart N Tinys (remember those?) but in paler colors based on the flavor. They have almost the same texture too but are softer to chew.

Soda Can Fizzy Candy Open Can

These are not fizzy like pop rocks or some of the powdered candy that’s out there but they do pack a punch. The Lemon-Lime flavor was almost too tart and too strong on the fizziness. You don’t get the fizzy feeling until you start to chew the candy but it’s there trust me. The grape reminded me exactly of grape soda flavor. The fizz in the grape flavor is there but not as pronounced as with the lemon-lime. The orange was not a great flavor but this one fizzed on contact in my mouth. The cola honestly didn’t taste much like cola, it was actually kind of gross. I’ve certainly tasted much better cola flavored candies.

This six-pack of Soda Can Fizzy Candy is cute, but definitely not a worthwhile soda flavored candy (though the cans are cute and worth keeping). It’s a great little novelty item, but the flavors need to be improved and the fizz needs to be consistent. Seriously, don’t waste your money on this one. If you really love your soda flavored candy, I recommend sticking to Wonka Bottlecaps (which I LOVE)!

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One Response to “Candy Review: Soda Can Fizzy Candy”

  1. 1
    benita wheeler says:

    great for a guessing game

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