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Candy Review: Palmer’s Chow Down Mix

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,New Candy

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Palmer's Candy Chow Down Mix

Palmer’s Chow Down Mix is one of those concoctions that really look like they threw a bunch of leftovers together. It honestly looked really unappetizing to me. You can see from the photo that it’s a mix of mini pretzels, some candy-coated chocolate pieces and a bunch of white candy-coated items. The white candy-coated items are more mini pretzels, a wheat circle (reminds me of a certain cereal) and wheat squares (reminds me of yet another cereal).

I’ve never been a huge fan of anything claiming to be “yogurt covered” or covered in today’s candy makers’ fake white chocolate. So, knowing this about me, you can understand that I thought it was a candy I was not going to like. Upon opening the container, a huge aroma of vanilla bursts out of the tub. It wasn’t overpowering, but it let you know it was there. Once I ate some of the Chow Down Mix, I was actually surprised that the flavors work together nicely. We all know salty pretzels work well with anything sweet but the combination with the white candy coating and the candy-coated chocolate pieces was actually pretty good.

The only downside is that there’s just too much white candy coating in this tub. It’s overwhelming. It’s almost like it really needs either more regular chocolate or just something else in there besides the vanilla (which isn’t even real vanilla but vanillin which always disappoints me). There just needs to be some balance in the tub. The way it is, I can only eat so much in one sitting before getting sick of it.

In short controlled bursts, the Palmer’s Chow Down Mix is actually pretty decent. If Palmer’s would just add something to balance out that vanilla flavor, then their Chow Down Mix would go from being “not too bad actually” to “pretty darn good”.

Candy Addict received this product as a sample from the manufacturer. No payment was received for this review and all opinions represent an unbiased view of the product.

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