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Are cake pops the new blow pops?

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Cake pops

(Image from

As I am not the second coming of Betty Crocker, I’m thankful for baking enthusiasts out there who concoct new ways to get baked goodies and heavenly desserts into my belly. Even better? Using candy as a vehicle to further encourage consumption of said goodies (not that you need extra motivation). For example: cake pops. Haven’t heard of them? It’s exactly as it sounds — cake on a stick, like a blow pop, but instead of a gum-based center, you get a moist mouthful of cake.

Made popular by blogger Bakerella, other bakers have hopped on the cake pop train and have even made a business out of selling them, like this 15-year-old from Kansas did. Apparently, even Starbucks sells them — and if Starbucks is hocking them, you know they’re going to be big.

If you’re thinking of making some yourself, all you have to do is bake a cake (any flavor: chocolate, yellow, strawberry, even funfetti), crumble and mix it with your frosting of choice by rolling into balls, chill in the fridge and then dip in candy melt or even chocolate (but you’ll have to chill them again).

You don’t have to stop there either; Bakerella’s got tons of decorating ideas: teddy bears, robots, snowmen. The possibilities are endless — if you’ve got the patience. I’m not sure I could wait much longer than getting the cake ball onto a stick before scarfing it down.

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3 Responses to “Are cake pops the new blow pops?”

  1. 1
    Deborah Dowd says:

    Cake pops are great- a little taste of something great and since I am not a fan of gum- they beat blow pops by a mile!

  2. 2
    gloria says:

    i would love to try 1 they sound like a cake on a stick without any mess

  3. 3
    Specialty Candy says:

    That is such a good idea! The only bad part is that they dont last very long. After a couple of bites (if not just one) the sucker is gone!

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