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Candy Review: Cola Balls

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Classic and Retro Candy,Foreign (non-US) Candy,Hard Candy,New Candy

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Cola Balls

Cola-flavored candy ranks pretty high in my top 5 favorite types of candy. Wonka Bottlecaps, Haribo Happy-Cola Gummi Candy, and Soda Pop Shoppe Jelly Belly jelly beans have been perpetual favorites. But… change is a comin’ around here and there’s a new kid in town. He’s shiny, long-lasting, delicious and named Cola Ball. Sweets4MySweetie, a retro and European candy shop in Canada, is chock full of ‘em.

These fellows are fantastic! They’re round, silver balls that, yep, you guessed it, taste like cola. And, as if a long-lasting cola flavor wasn’t enough, as a bonus, they also look like ammunition. While I now enjoy this particular trait of cola balls, I was less than thrilled at first. Imagine my surprise when I opened a box of what I assumed was candy and found a nondescript baggie of large BBs!

I was thinking, uh-oh, did I write an unfavorable review of someone’s candy and this is a warning? Have I angered anyone lately? Does someone in my home have a weapon that they haven’t mentioned? As it happened, it was just that time of the year when A Christmas Story was about to be aired on every channel. Thinking about my Christmas wishlist reminded me of Ralphie and his coveted BB gun. So, I breathed a sigh of relief when I read the business card at the bottom of the box and learned that they were just silver, non-nefarious jawbreakers!

These aren’t your ordinary, run-of-the-mill jawbreakers, though. They are delightful, shiny jawbreakers – everyone knows shiny makes everything exponentially more appealing! If you run across them, I highly recommend grabbing some. Just make sure you have enough to share because you will end up sharing them! And, if cola isn’t your thing, I’m sure they could be repurposed in any number of ways. Perhaps, impromptu marbles, decorations on a birthday cake at the local NRA meetup, as parakeet toys, or of course, ammo for a slingshot, etc. For these reasons and their tastiness, I give them 5 Bonbons! Five BonBons

Candy Addict received this product as a sample from the manufacturer. No payment was received for this review and all opinions represent an unbiased view of the product.

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7 Responses to “Candy Review: Cola Balls”

  1. 1
    martymankins says:

    Gummy Coke bottles have always been a favorite of mine. I may have to find these and try them to see what they taste like.

  2. 2
    Frank at Humbugs says:

    I just got these silver rolla-cola balls in, ready to sell! They are like Refreshers (foil tube type), cola flavour chalky centre, hope to sell more than I eat….

  3. 3
    Jessica G says:

    I can’t wait to find these. I’ve missed this site…

  4. 4
    Audriana says:

    HELP! I want these sooooo bad but cant find them anywhere! Not even online. If you know a website or some place that sells them, please let me know asap!

  5. 5
    Kyle says:

    You can get them at Charlies Chocolate factory in BC

  6. 6
    Damo says:

    In in Australia and am looking to get some of these silver rola cola balls but cannot seem to find anywhere here that sells them. I found one place that sells them online but wanted a stupid amount to send me some.

    Anyone have a online store that will sell n ships overseas. Or even better somewhere in Australia that sells them.



  7. 7
    Clare says:

    I used to eat these as a kid but the seems to have left England how can I get some without having to ship them from Canada or New Zealand?


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