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Candy Review: Pure Dark

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Gourmet Candy,New Candy

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The good folks from Pure Dark recently gave me a sampling of their goodies to review here on Candy Addict. Sometimes, the candy is just so-so, but Pure Dark blows the rest out of the water. It’s intense and just what dark chocolate should be!

Pure Dark Bark Classic
My favorite by far was the Bark Classic. The “bark” is made of pure dark chocolate topped with cherries, roasted almonds, and caramelized nibs. It has the slightest hint of salt that perfectly balances out the intensity of the nibs. Nibs are little pieces of cocoa beans that are roasted and caramelized- but all you really need to know is that they are delicious. Nibs in chocolate = good.They remind me of chocolate covered coffee beans which is a plus if, like me, you’re into good coffee. Nibs are like the root of chocolate.

Pure Dark SlabAlso delicious is the Slab: 70 percent dark chocolate Slab with roasted and caramelized cacao nibs. It’s chunky goodness with a crunch. Granted, I wouldn’t eat more than a few bites at a time because it’s intense. A good intense, mind you, but a lot of a good thing is still a lot. It’s perfectly satisfying as a few bites here and there. Believe me, you will come back to it. It’s some of the best dark chocolate I’ve tried.

For the dark chocolate blueberries, I got a little creative. They are good on their own, but the predominant flavor is more blueberry than chocolate. Which led me to wonder if they would be worth trying in Sunday morning pancakes. Come to find out, that was the best idea I had that day (it was a slow, non-taxing day). What I was really surprised by was even in the hot pancakes, the chocolate remained on the blueberry. Cooking them didn’t melt the chocolate leaving just a blueberry pancake. Instead, I ended up with pancakes dotted with chocolate covered blueberries! This was all the evidence I needed to recognize the holy union of fruit and chocolate- may they never be torn asunder.

So if you really want to try dark chocolate, give Pure Dark a try. Drop by the website or if you’re ever in New York , I highly recommend a jaunt to one of The Food Emporium stores where Pure Dark can be obtained. It will be worth it. Pure Dark gets top rating from me of five BonBons!
Five BonBons

Candy Addict received this product as a sample from the manufacturer. No payment was received for this review and all opinions represent an unbiased view of the product.

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