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Candy Review: Paddywackle’s Swedish-Spice Almond Brittle

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Paddywackle's Gourmet Brittle Co logo

Paddywackle's Swedish Spice Almond Brittle

Well, I now know I’m no Swede. I tried Paddywackle’s Swedish-Spice Almond Brittle and I just can’t muster up the taste for it. I really tried. It had all the right components to be delicious… the texture is perfect, the crunch is exquisite, the ingredients are definitely gourmet and of high quality. It has the perfect stick in your teeth-ness that you want and expect out of brittle. It’s buttery and it has almonds. I love the old-fashioned bags the brittle comes in and think the packaging really says “gourmet and hand-made”. But, it’s not quite enough to overcome the unpleasant flavor. The problem is the spice, I think. Maybe I’m not partial to cardamom, or maybe it’s the hint of lemon. I just can’t quite put my finger on what it is I don’t like.

One of my co-workers absolutely LOVED the Swedish-spice brittle. She’s also the type that loves those spicy, ginger, hard candies. She mentioned she had Indian the evening before so maybe her palate was ripe for the flavor. The other 8 or so folks were in consensus and didn’t really care for the spice. One person even commented that it was like eating butter and some “non-toxic, natural” cleaning solution. Another was really impressed with the stick-in-your-teeth factor, but didn’t like the flavor, either. For these reasons, I think it would be worth trying Paddywackle’s other flavors because as I said, all the other details are perfect. Maybe their chocolate almond or original recipe peanut brittle would be a better example for us non-exotic brittle-lovers? I will have to try their other flavors because now I’ve got a craving for brittle!

Editor’s note: I tried the brittle also and thought it was quite delicious. it had a nice flavor with just a little subtle lemony flavor to it. I don’t think I would have even called it “spiced”. I liked it and so did my co-workers that I shared it with.

Candy Addict received this product as a sample from the manufacturer. No payment was received for this review and all opinions represent an unbiased view of the product.

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2 Responses to “Candy Review: Paddywackle’s Swedish-Spice Almond Brittle”

  1. 1
    Pam says:

    The candy may not taste too good but the name – Paddywackle – is a winner!

  2. 2
    Candy Addict » Candy Review: Simply Lite Milk, Dark, and Dark Chocolate with Almonds says:

    [...] was a bit less agreeable was the dark chocolate with almonds. Typically, I would choose chocolate with almonds over without in every scenario… not so with [...]

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