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Candy Review: Tropical Chewy Lemonhead & Friends

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Tropical Chewy Lemonhead and Friends

I think if you were to look at the latest generational candy trends, you’d see that the combining of flavors is in. Think of the recent additions to product lines like Skittles Crazy Cores and others.

As such, there was certainly no shortage of candy mixing at the All Candy Expo. Gum, mints, gummies… it’s all the rage. One completely sneaked by under my radar. The new Tropical Chewy Lemonhead & Friends by Ferrara Pan.

When I glanced at the box, I assumed that there were just going to be tropical counterparts to the Chewy Lemonhead and Friends variety I adore. It wasn’t until I popped one in my mouth and then examined the packaging closer that discovered these are in fact another candy with two flavors per piece.

Kiwi-Strawberry (Green): This tastes more strawberry-kiwi than it does kiwi-strawberry, reminding me somewhat of the Snapple flavor of the same name. Neither flavor is that potent, and more present with floral tones than any true burst of the citrus both fruits are known for.

Peach-Mango (Orange): A nice peach flavor starts strong, much like a peach ring. There are mango notes, but they’re very subtle and overpowered by the peach. Regardless, it was very tasty.

Berry-Banana (Blue): The banana flavor in this reminds me of the banana in Tropical Skittles. I’m not sure how there is berry in this aside from the acid and tanginess berries possess; I suppose it’s along the lines of raspberry if I had to guess, though even that is hard to buy.

Cherry-Watermelon (Red): The cherry flavor is artificial, common to those hard candy cherry drops; the watermelon is your standard artificial watermelon zest minus the sour component. I don’t think I mind either flavor individually, but combined they’re too metallic for my liking.

Pink Lemonade-Lemonade (Pink): So aside from the fact that pink lemonade is just lemonade, but pink (and completely artificial), these are still odd. The lemon portion is actually a Lemonhead – sans the wonderful zest of the original variety. The pink lemonade coat is lemony, but it’s not lemonade and is without all the sour and citrus components it should retain.

All the pieces were fairly soft with their gel centers, akin to the originals, but there was a chalky presence to each of them.

The only thing I find tropical in this batch is mango and banana, so I’m not really sure where the marketing people at Ferrara Pan are going with these. My review of them makes them seem a lot worse than they really are, but truthfully, they’re pretty benign. Check them out to try them if only to say you did, but I prefer the non-tropical variety to these hands down.

Buy Tropical Chewy Lemonhead & Friends Online:

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