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All Candy Expo 2009 – Part 3

Categories: Candy,Candy News

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This trip is a first for many things for me. It’s my first time in Chicago, the first time at an expo, the first time I met Caitlin and Laurie in person (both so awesome), and the first time I have ever wondered if there is such a thing as too much candy.

I mean there is just a ridiculous amount here. After weighing my haul from yesterday, I came back with 38 pounds. 38! That’s like a small dog. And it’s only day one!

There’s a lot to talk about, but only so much I can write in brief, so here are a few highlights:

  • M&M’s coconut will be debuting as a limited release this summer
  • Snickers Fudge will be out in August
  • Newest flavor craze could be cherimoya/guabana
  • Smaller packaging is in

Those were the big things I think you should know before anything else, and when I get home this weekend, I’ll write something in length and mention the noteworthy products I sampled and what else to look forward to. For now, it’s back to the floor and even more candy!

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4 Responses to “All Candy Expo 2009 – Part 3”

  1. 1
    Cadence says:

    OMG – Snickers FUDGE??? Sign me up! Thanks for giving me something to look forward to :-)

  2. 2
    Pam Walter says:

    38 pounds! What a haul. I hope it’s all tasty and worth posting about.

  3. 3
    Laurie says:

    Arghlfratzle! I’m having some technical difficulties with this hotel computer, but I’ll definitely have my post about the expo up by tomorrow. (Of course, in Internet time, that may as well be next month :( )

    For now, suffice it to say that I discovered the dubious joys of eating so many free candy samples that you are actually nauseous and having to haul half my weight in candy back to a foreign country.

  4. 4
    julie says:

    Crispy M&Ms!!!

    i saw your comment about the new coconut m&m\’s… and how you like the crispy version (btw, my daughter shares your anger about them not being sold here anymore ;) – anyway…. they are sold in the UK – I imagine you could find some way to order some online if you are so inclined :)

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