So there’s a disclaimer to this article. When I was asked if I wanted to review this product, the e-mail sent to me asked if I would be interested in reviewing cinnamon toothpicks. I am sorta neutral when it comes to cinnamon candy, tending to prefer the lot when it’s a mild cinnamon flavor.
But I figured these couldn’t be that bad because they’re only toothpicks after all, right? So I agreed to review them. Imagine my chagrin when I opened a small package in the mail that contained a small vial of toothpicks with the name Nuclear Hell Cinnamon Toothpicks. So umm… mild? Me thinks not.
The vial contains twenty-four toothpicks that are carved from American Birch and later coated in cinnamon oil. For those not familiar with cinnamon toothpicks, they debuted in 1949 as a drugstore product, which amassed great popularity into the eighties, but later fell out of fashion.
Twisting the lid off the vial, I take a cautious sniff of the goods, as I am afraid this “nuclear” intensity might melt my nose. Oddly, I don’t mind it. It has the aroma of cinnamon imperials, but far richer due to the woodsy quality bestowed by the birch.
Still tentative about the product, I nibble on one of the toothpicks. The immediate cinnamon flavor is quite nice in a refined way – specifically the one that you can only find in true cinnamon or cinnamon oil, as opposed to cinnamon flavoring or Cassia.
Then the “nuclear†part kicks in. It begins with a tingle on the lips that offers a slight burning sensation. As you bite/chew through the pick, more oil is released, and the potency magnifies.
At its peak, the flavor burns, but not in a painful way. It reminded me of how fans of spicy food enjoy the heat of the dish because there is a difference between spicy being a flavor component and spicy getting in the way of the overall flavor. In this instance, it is the former.
I will admit that I found my lips sorta numb by the time I had finished toying with the toothpick. A bonus of these, if you enjoy such a flavor, is that it retains the cinnamon burst for a long period of time. The wood isn’t flimsy and never splintered despite my copious masticating.
Despite my reluctance to enjoy anything so overwhelmingly cinnamon, I think these are rather good. I still have twenty-three toothpicks I don’t plan on using, but I respect this product. The cinnamon is genuine and complex in flavor, which are qualities often lacking in the confection world.
Anyone who enjoys cinnamon, I am fairly positive these will delight you to no end. For those who dislike spicy/cinnamon candy, don’t buy them. If you fall somewhere in the middle, I think you might be pleasantly surprised. If nothing else, I’d take these over a regular toothpick any day.
I’m not a fan of flavoured toothpicks, mainly because I tend to forget they’re flavoured and stick them in food items they realy don’t go with. Cinnamon club sandwich, anyone?
April 14th, 2009 at 9:47 am