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Candy Review: Cadbury Popping Mini Eggs

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Foreign (non-US) Candy,Holiday Candy

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Popping Mini Eggs

Now, some people might say that Mini Eggs are perfect just the way they are – tiny, sugary ovoids of chocolaty perfection. To those people I say, BLASPHEMY! There is no candy so perfect that marketing executives can’t tweak with the formula to produce a bunch of special editions that nobody really needed, but all of us Candy Addicts are going to snap up by the handfuls anyway. Not that I’m bitter – this is the mindset that gave us Dark Chocolate Mini Eggs, after all. But after you’ve made a perfect candy even MORE perfect with dark chocolate, where do you go from there?

If you’re Cadbury, that place might just involve Pop Rocks – and lots of ‘em.

To a certified Candy Addict, a big bag of Mini Eggs is about as fun as it gets anyway – but kids today have short attention spans, I guess. Hence, the creation of Mini Eggs that literally explode in your mouth.

As far as I could see, these come only in the smallest, single serving-size bag – which, at 32 grams, feels a lot lighter than I remember from previous years. However, the regular and dark Mini Eggs also come in this bag size, so at least everyone’s getting stiffed equally, I guess? The eggs themselves look a little different than regular Mini Eggs – their color’s more intense, and they’re missing those distinctive brown speckles.

As far as the flavor goes, everyone’s had Mini Eggs, right? Well, these don’t taste a heck of a lot different – a crispy, matte-textured vanilla candy shell around Cadbury’s distinctively milky chocolate. The texture definitely seems crunchier, and if you keep chewing, they start to snap, crackle and pop. (Oops, that’s not copyrighted is it?) For the best crackle, it’s better to just suck them – I think too much chewing destroys the popping candy crystals before they can deliver their explosive payload.

In the end, these are what they are – there’s nothing revolutionary going on here. If you like Mini Eggs, you’ll probably like them with Pop-Rocks in them, and if you don’t, you won’t. Other than the novelty factor, I’d call this a pretty unnecessary special edition. Still, it would be fun to surprise your friends by offering them a few of your Mini Eggs – without telling them about the popping surprise first.

Buy Cadbury Mini Eggs Online:

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3 Responses to “Candy Review: Cadbury Popping Mini Eggs”

  1. 1
    Robert B. says:

    Where did you find them? I haven’t seen them anywhere yet.

  2. 2
    Artie says:

    what store did you find these at?

  3. 3
    laurie says:

    I’m not sure, but I think they might only be available in Canada – where I live, they’re everywhere.

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