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Candy Review: Hershey’s Caramello

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Hershey’s Caramello Bar

Cadbury is a renowned English chocolatier founded in the 19th century, but Hershey’s is licensed to manufacture its candy available in the USA. Today I saw this bar and wanted to compare it to another recent bar I tasted and reviewed from Hershey’s: the Kit Kat Caramel bar. I hope that this candy has a better caramel to chocolate ratio. I also want to see how it compares to an even closer cousin, the Rolo.

A Caramello bar is composed of four milk chocolate squares filled with liquid caramel. As such, it’s one of the messier bars to tackle unless you 1) break off the squares carefully, and 2) pop an entire one in your mouth.

Okay, I’ve done the two steps successfully. Does the taste of this classic bar hold up?

Oh yes it does. There’s something about Cadbury chocolate, and Hershey’s seems not to have screwed it up. It must be in the contract to use the same ingredients and recipe as UK Cadbury, because the milk chocolate has a distinctive and very tasty flavor. Those of you familiar with the brand (Cadbury Creme Eggs, anyone?) know what I’m talking about. For one thing, the chocolate has a very likable milky flavor, and it’s got a quality mouth feel. There’s also an excellent proportion of chocolate to the caramel filling in this bar.

Speaking of caramel, the kind you encounter here is very light brown, almost blond, and runny. And mmm it’s good. Some might like their caramel a little more robust, but I think this variety is a spot-on match to the milk chocolate. What I like best in a chocolate caramel bar is when I get a balanced experience of both components, and Caramello has got it right.

Now, how about that comparison to Rolo. I like those self-enclosed caramel chocolate candies, too, but I give the nod to Caramello. The chocolate’s simply better quality, and tastier. As for the Kit Kat Caramel, don’t make me laugh. If you want a GOOD chocolate and caramel experience, avoid the Kit Kat.

So, if you’re looking for some yummy milk chocolate and delicious caramel (in a 45g/1.6 oz candy that sometimes goes on sale for as little as $1), I heartily recommend Cadbury’s Caramello bar. Just remember those two steps for eating it, or you’ll be stepping in liquid candy goo.

Don’t forget to check out Rachel’s review of the British version of Caramello!

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One Response to “Candy Review: Hershey’s Caramello”

  1. 1
    Cindy says:

    Mmm, great review, Nico. I’ve had my eyes pealed for those Kit Kat caramels after reading your review of them, but I’ve never found any. Now I can stop looking. I like Rolos quite well…something better? Wow. I can’t wait to pick up a Caramello.

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