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Candy Giveaway: Green M&M’s!

Categories: Candy,Candy Addict Site News,Chocolate Candy

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Those lovely folks over at M&M’s have generously offered to provide two Candy Addict readers with a nice little Valentine care package containing four packages of those seasonal favorites, All-Green M&M’s. How can you get in on the goodness? Simple! Just leave a comment that creatively uses the word “green” in some way. Two entries will be chosen at random (but only if your comment is creative – just leaving the word “green” won’t cut it!).

You have until midnight on Friday, February 6 to get those entries in, so get cracking!

Also, be sure to check out M&M’s The Color of Love Valentine’s Day contest. You could win a trip to Paris!

Our winners were Lauracat and Bob. Congratulations!

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41 Responses to “Candy Giveaway: Green M&M’s!”

  1. 1
    Nora says:

    Free candy?! Awesome!

    …If I were to win some delicious M&M’s, I’m pretty sure all of my friends would be GREEN with envy! ;)

  2. 2
    john d says:

    my resolution was to be more green this year …this would certanly help!

  3. 3
    Philly says:

    Spiffy contest ^___^

    If you wanna be healthy, you gotta eat your greens :D You can use big romaine leaves instead of taco shells :P

    I want to have an emerald green wedding dress ^_^

  4. 4
    Kate says:

    My favorite color has always been green, so I’ve been known to be a little biased in my M&M consumption.

  5. 5
    Marit says:

    after eating all these, in one sitting, i’d certainly have a GREEN day.. :)

  6. 6
    Sandy says:

    I could save a little green and eat a little green if I win. Would that help the economy? :-)

  7. 7
    AtlanticVamp says:

    Momma sez eat yo greens, girl!

    I’ll be green with envy if I don’t get my M&M’s!

  8. 8
    Meagan Bryant says:


    G – is for the great chocolate taste
    R – is for the roundness of M&Ms
    E – is for eat them everyday!
    E – is for eat them every hour!
    N – is for no other candy compares!

    Green is also for how I’d be willing to feel after eating 4 bags in one sitting! Green and totally worth it!

  9. 9
    Justin says:

    Who needs green in their wallet when it can be in their stomach?

  10. 10
    Bob says:

    Brown M&Ms have no aesthetic value, but the green ones make me…happy.

  11. 11
    Charlie says:

    My doctors tell me that I am too lean
    They’d prefer me to be elephantine
    The advise eating more candy cuisine
    Especially M&M’s, colored GREEN!

  12. 12
    Renata says:

    I may be a little green in the whole posting comments thing, but I’m very experienced in eating M&M’s…

  13. 13
    ~~~*Kelly*~~~ a.k.a ~~~*Petgurl*~~~ says:

    Maybe I’ll just save some green to spend on delicious M&Ms!! Can’t really say that I’ll be saving much of anything green if I win though. Lol I’ve always been somewhat of an impulsive eater.

  14. 14
    Brett says:

    Whatchu mean use the word green?

    Like M&M green, fresh on the scene?

    (If corny wins, I’m sure to be eating some of these soon …)

  15. 15
    Shannon says:

    m&ms…such a treat,
    colorful candies,
    so fun to eat.

    So many colors,
    but one sticks out;
    Want to put the GREEN ones
    in my MOUTH!

  16. 16
    Kimberly says:

    I hate the Routine…
    But I love the Caffeine…
    Then I need to clean the Latrine…
    The go and eat my M&M’s Green :o)

  17. 17
    neko says:

    You’ve gotten poems, how ’bout a limerick?
    It’ll be hard to stick with this gimmick.
    Free candy’s quite nice;
    Green chocolates suffice.
    I will eat them all and get sick.

  18. 18
    Chelsea says:

    If anyone else wins these M&M’s, I’ll be GREEN with envy!!

  19. 19
    bonnie says:

    M&MSSSSSS YEHHHH !!! they are soo aswomee .. .ilo ve themmm i eat them all the time!!! <33333 yeyeyyyyyy

  20. 20
    Delia says:

    Green M&Ms are better than green eggs and ham.

  21. 21
    amypaige says:

    An M&M Haiku:
    Of all the colors
    It absolutely must be
    That sought-after GREEN!

  22. 22
    Mage says:

    I see you are trying to invoke the green eyed monster in so many people. Not to milk this chocolate situation why not offer three instead, since the spellings are similar. then again I a-green with the timing of the contest

  23. 23
    Jess says:

    I’ll be feeling blue if I don’t get some green.

  24. 24
    nikki keller says:

    green as green with envy as those that see their peers go through on american idol where the others go home…

  25. 25
    Elizabeth says:

    Jealousy is a green-eyed monster…
    …and pleasure is a green-coated chocolate that you have to hide from green-eyed monsters

  26. 26
    Stacy says:

    m&m’s… m&m’s.. they are such a guilty pleasure.
    I wouldn’t mind breaking my new years resolution.. not if it’s by getting a little more green in my diet.

    (I can totally justify eating them anytime.)

  27. 27
    Krista says:

    I could never have had a green thumb
    To make all of my neighbors green with envy
    I tried to go green, but the prices won
    (It takes a lot of green to conserve energy)
    I never wore green on St. Patty’s Day
    (Because Irish aren’t s’pose to wear green)
    And thus I was pinched, of confusion they say
    No green makes your friends all seem mean
    So today as I write, and I look at the green
    In the dish, on the bag, with the Ms
    I think of the wonderful things it could mean
    For my thumb, for my nerves, for my friends
    So please to consider my greenful plea
    For a bag of these sweet little treats
    For I know even though they just look like peas
    They would make all my shortcomings complete

  28. 28
    Carla Pullum says:

    pass a little green my way!

  29. 29
    Heather says:

    What is it about the green ones? In this case I think it’s that they’re free!

  30. 30
    Sylvie says:

    What’s the number one way to eat a greener diet? – Why green M&M’s of course!

  31. 31
    Jojo says:

    Green — the color of leprechauns, and Ireland, and money, and recycling. I love how Ms. Green is trying to change the image into something more sexy, soft, feminine and romantic!

    Green is the new red!

  32. 32
    michelle rosborough says:

    Hopefully this green candy will help me win some green money

  33. 33
    dawn says:

    All my other candy will be green with envy!

  34. 34
    Nicky63220 says:

    the green-eyed monster is me without green m&ms

  35. 35
    Lauracat says:

    I shall be quite serene
    If my daily cuisine
    includes the lovely sheen
    of M&Ms in green!

  36. 36
    Deb says:

    Gee, I don’t
    Really know if green M&Ms taste better.
    Even so, they are
    Especially attractive and just a little
    Naughty. :)

  37. 37
    Gwen L says:

    I’m putting green socks on my feet.
    I’m putting green gloves on my hands.
    I’m putting green words on this screen
    To mislead search engines when golfers search for
    The phrase “putting green”!

    But I’d love to win some green M&Ms.

  38. 38
    Jen says:

    Roses are red, so they certainly won’t do…
    Green M&Ms are the only way on Valentine’s day to say, “I Love You!” :D

  39. 39
    Alyssa says:

    Roses are red, M&Ms are green.
    Some poems rhyme and others…don’t.

  40. 40
    Heather says:

    Green, green, it’s good for your heart
    The more you eat
    the more you … ?

    Here’s hoping green M’M's will be good for MY heart this year!

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