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Candy Review: Kit Kat Caramel

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Kit Kat Caramel

Ardent readers or Kit Kat fanatics will recall that Breanna wrote about the Japanese version of KitKat Caramel a year or so ago, and that it was her favorite out of several foreign KitKat varieties she tried. Well hold on to your kittens, ‘cuz a Kit Kat Caramel variety has now come to the USA.

Breanna wrote that Japanese KitKat Caramel tastes more like butterscotch, and has tiger stripes. What about the domestic version? And why do so many people like Kit Kats, anyway?

Well of course you know why people like Kit Kats. As Dr. Steve Brule on Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job! might say, “It’s the texture, dummy!” Indeed it is. Kit Kat’s crispy wafers mixed with chocolate have been a good combination since developed by Rowntree (of York, UK) in 1935. And who doesn’t like snapping off those nice little candy fingers? Well, you can forget that with the Kit Kat Caramel. And no, it doesn’t have tiger stripes, either.

This candy is built like a regular candy bar in a singular piece. Yeah, it’s still crispy in there, but you’ll need a knife if you want this Kit Kat in easy pieces. But how about the taste of this little puppy?

Well, it’s not a total dog, but this Kit Kat doesn’t do much for me – for several reasons. First, the chocolate is too sweet. Second, there’s not enough caramel flavor. And third, the crispy wafer tastes weird and kind of stale.

When I imagine caramel in a Kit Kat, I think that sounds tasty. But the caramel here gets lost in the excessive sweetness and the wafers. Speaking of those wafers, I don’t know if I got a bad bar, but these were the worst Kit Kat wafers I’ve ever tasted. Normally I like the crispy goodness of a regular Kit Kat, but these wafers tasted cheap, and like they’d been sitting out too long.

Bottom line? Give me a standard Kit Kat any day, because Kit Kat Caramel is a big step down. Don’t waste you calorie allowance here, “For your health, turkey!”

Buy Kit Kat Caramel Online:

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5 Responses to “Candy Review: Kit Kat Caramel”

  1. 1
    Tara says:

    You might want to try a Canadian Kit Kat Caramel. We’ve had them up here for years and as regular Kit Kats are formulated differently on either side of the border, so too must the caramel version.

  2. 2
    Cindy says:

    What a disappointment. I like Kit Kats, and I love caramel so I was excited to see this article. But…ugh. I might give one a try just on the off chance you got an old/bad bar. At least I won’t have any high expectations.

  3. 3
    Heather says:

    I like the original Kit Kats pretty well and I love white chocolate Kit Kats, but Kit Kat Caramel just doesn’t do it for me. I agree with your comments about the stale-tasting wafers and the lacking caramel flavor. You might want to try Kit Kat Extra Crispy though (if you haven’t already). It’s kind of the same idea since it’s in one big bar, but somehow it just tastes better. Maybe the caramel makes the wafers stale because the Extra Crispy version actually seemed quite fresh whenever I tried it.

  4. 4
    Cadence says:

    Thanks for the heads up on the excessive sweetness. I’ve tried other Kit Kat flavors and had the same problem. I guess I’d better stick with the original!

  5. 5
    EmmekeH says:

    Brr, I’ve been nibbling on one for several days, sort of placing it back in the fridge each time. Mine is weet, but ends up so salty in the aftertaste I keep downing a bottle of glass with every bite. It’s a pity really.

    I agree with Heather, the wafer may have become stale due to the caramel. *le sigh* I do like caramel in a lot of things though…

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