It seems like just yesterday our sister site Snackerrific was just a little girl. Now, she’s growing up. This popular young lady has even gotten herself a makeover with some flashy animated logos and a new design that just dares you not to get hungry looking at it.
And it’s not just her looks that are maturing. She’s becoming well-read, having finished the mystery book that is compellingly titled The Snack Thief. She’s even educating about the foods of the world by mentioning a cookie from down under known as Tim Tams that are making their debut in the US (side note, OMG! I heart me some Tim Tams and missed them so when I moved away from New Zealand).
And even though she’s prettier and more sophisticated than before, that doesn’t mean she has lost the ability to let loose and have fun with reviews on Breyer’s Triple Chocolate Ice Cream or Buttermilk Ranch Potato Chips. So head on over to see the new Snackerrific and catch up on the latest trends that all you snack fans should know about.
Recent Snackerrific Posts:
- Trader Joe’s Cheese Sticks Snack Review
- Cape Cod Buttermilk Ranch Potato Chips Snack Review
- Breyers Triple Chocolate Ice Cream Snack Review
- Maple Grove Farms Maple Cream Cookies Snack Review
- The Snack Thief by Andrea Camilleri Book Review
- Snackerrific Is Getting A Makeover!
- Tim Tams Coming To The US
Have you guys blogged about Mother’s Cookies going out of business… :( I am gonna cry…. No more Circus Animal Cookies!!!! Waaaaah!
November 21st, 2008 at 5:24 pm