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Candy Review: Crème Savers Desserts Collection

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Creme Savers Dessert Collection

Lifesavers were always one of those candies I shied away from buying as a kid. I found their flavors too artificial, and often only enjoyed one or two flavors per roll. I could never justify buying them since I really just didn’t like them that much.

However, browsing the candy aisle in Walgreens, I gave into curiosity and decided to purchase some of the LifeSaver spin-offs, Crème Savers. Crème Savers debuted in 1988 and come in a variety of flavors, but I was particularly drawn to the alluring bag of the desserts collection containing Apple Pie A La Mode, Strawberry Cheesecake, and Cinnamon Bun.

Apple Pie A La Mode: The swirls in this piece resemble caramel ribbons. It is a little sticky, and a cinnamon aroma wafts from the pieces. I can taste cinnamon and the semblance of an applesauce flavor, but nothing indicative of apple pie. Nutmeg notes reveal themselves as I suck on the piece more. If I had to blindly guess the flavor, I would probably have ventured apple cider before apple pie. This is not bad, but it’s not apple pie, and not even close to anything a la mode.

Strawberry Cheesecake: Beautiful maroon swirls riddle this piece, which would have led me to assume raspberry if I didn’t know better. The smell is of unidentifiable fruit, but hits on the berry side. This one is far stickier than the previous piece. The taste is similar to a strawberry Chupa Chup, as it is a weak strawberry at best, but still floral. There is creaminess to it, but it is hardly cheesecake, more like a strawberries and cream.

Cinnamon Bun: The swirls in this piece are a darker brown than the Apple Pie. I couldn’t really get a smell from this piece, which might explain the more muted cinnamon flavor, but that is not a problem. It has the right butter taste to it, hitting the mark of a cinnamon bun without overpowering the palate. What I dislike most about LifeSavers is absent in here, and I really enjoyed the subtle but well-crafted flavor. If these were sold in their own bag, I would frequently purchase them; easily the best of the three.

If nothing else, these pieces are gorgeous to look at. The colorful swirls juxtaposed to the marble white candy setting without blemishes are a breath of fresh air from the chipped neon pieces of its cousin that I am used to. The only thing that struck me as odd about these was that they do not have holes in the center like the original does, ergo the name LifeSaver. Maybe it’s just nostalgia, but I missed seeing it.

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5 Responses to “Candy Review: Crème Savers Desserts Collection”

  1. 1
    Cadence says:

    Ooh, that cinnamon flavor sounds really good. It’d be worth it to pick up a bag just to try those! Btw, I read your recommendation in another post about visiting the 76 gas station on Beverly Glen and Santa Monica for Brit candies. I’m in love with the Twirls so I’m going to have to try and mosey on over there. Thanks for the heads up!

  2. 2
    Jeni says:

    I am easy to please, and I found these unbearably gross.

  3. 3
    Nick says:

    Nothing can get better then a sweet melted and heavenly Chocolato!! Ooh, yes sounds fantasting and really is the tastiest Swweettss!

  4. 4
    Nick says:

    Candy is just….OH YES THE BEST!

  5. 5
    Candy Addict » Candy Review: Bali’s Best Tea Candy, Classic Iced Tea says:

    [...] pieces are smooth amber discs, similar to a Creme Saver, but twice as large. The surface is without blemish and has no stick factor. If nothing else, these [...]

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