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Candy Addict is Three Years Old!

Categories: Candy,Candy Addict Site News


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First, if you haven’t already, go enter our huge Candy Addict birthday giveaway. I’ll wait here for you to come back…

Wow – I can’t believe it! My candy-coated little baby is now three years old! What began as a website I started on a whim three years ago has grown into something bigger than I could have ever imagined. I’m amazed at how many other people there are out there, people like you, that love candy as much as I do.

There are so many things I could mention as I wax nostalgic… the amazing amount of free candy I’ve received; attending the All Candy Expo (twice); talking with the president of Jelly Belly and a V.P. at Mars (in person); being mentioned in newspapers, magazines, radio, and even appearing on national TV as a candy expert! It just blows my mind when I stop and think about it. I’m no different than many of you reading this, I’m just a guy who likes candy but I happen to have a candy website to prove it.

I was thinking about listing a bunch of interesting/noteworthy things that have happened to me and the site in the past three years (guess what site is #1 on google if you search for gross candy?) but I’m not sure that would interest anyone (maybe it would – Idunno). So here’s what we’re going to do instead…

Let’s do an interview. I’ll be the interviewee. You be the interviewer. Ask me any question you want about candy, candy blogging, running a website, things I’ve learned, etc. Pretend you’re interviewing me. You’re Katie Couric and you have me for a one-on-one interview. Pick my candy-filled brain. If there was ever a question about me or the site you have had, ask it now.

Put your question(s) in the comments below. Depending on how many questions I get, I’ll either answer all of them or if there are way too many, I’ll pick maybe the 20 or so best ones and answer them. The best question, as judged by me, will win a free Candy Addict t-shirt (and maybe some candy too). This is open to people anywhere in the world – I’ll pay for shipping.

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31 Responses to “Candy Addict is Three Years Old!”

  1. 1
    ButterflyKyss says:

    First off, congrats again! It’s a great site, and I am sure many more years of reviewing and reporting on sugary goodness (and badness!) are in store for you and the rest of the candy addict staff!

    So my question to you is this. I’m sure there are many fond memories you have of the last three years and all the adventures you’ve been through. Was there any horrifying and/or just plain awful moments in your candy-blogging career that you would like to share with us?

  2. 2
    missmoxie says:

    Congrats!! I have a couple of questions. I know you’re a fan of Atomic Fireballs but after those what candy from your childhood are you most fond of? Is there a candy you’d really love to see back in production? Did your cavities increase when you started this blog? Do friends ever call you when they get a ‘jones’ for some special candy? Again, congratulations on your anniversary!!

  3. 3
    amypaige says:

    Happy Birthday! OK. Over the past 3 years of trying an immense amount of candies, which candy that you had never tried before turned out to be the tastiest, and which turned out to be the nastiest? And I don’t mean the intentionally disgusting candies like Bertie Bott’s, I mean the ones that we’re intended to enjoy. Thanks for sharing all of your candy experiences over these past 3 years.

  4. 4
    David Peralty says:

    CONGRATS! As was said elsewhere, you are pretty much the most successful independent blogger I know! Kudos to you and your continued success.

    Now, for the question!

    I am a huge licorice fan. Black, Red, Cherry, Candy coated, it is all good, but for you, what have been your one or two favourite licorice products, and why?

  5. 5
    Elizabeth says:

    Congratulations! I would like to know what you have found to be the best candy combo, or whether you prefer to savor one flavor at a time.

  6. 6
    Philly says:

    “It just blows my mind when I stop and think about it.” Air Head, hee hee!

    Ever think you and the other candy bloggers, (like Patti from CandyYumYum and Cyble from CandyBlog) will join forces and try to make your own original candy? You could make something like the skybar :D Each section could have each of your favorite fillings :) Since you all have tried so many candies, I bet you could come up with something pretty spiffy ^_^

  7. 7
    dan says:

    Three years can be an eternity in the candy world as we see many new candies come and some stay some go and also see some limited edition candies come and go, Of these past three years what do you see as the most creative thing the candy industry has done and where do you want to see it go in the future?

  8. 8
    Chelsea says:

    First off, CONGRATS! My question is: Where is the best place to buy Japanese candy? You guys review so much of it and it all looks so yummy! Thank you! (BTW- Thanks for the tip on the Snickers Rockin’ Nut Crunch…I picked a bag of minis up yesterday!)

  9. 9
    Tracy says:

    -clears her throat and straightens her serious interviewer blazer before speaking-

    Everyone has their own personal taste when it comes to candy (dark or milk, sour or sweet, chewy or crunchy, etc.) and after 3 successful years as a candy blogger, I know you’ve tried everything from the chicest chocolates to the kookiest confectionery. That said, with all that experience under your belt, do you think you could match a stranger to a candy they’d love? Imagine a wine sommelier or the ice cream scene in City Slickers (anyone know what I’m talking about?).

    And speaking of candy tastes, do you think personality enters into it? Say, Hot Tamales for a fiery character? I mean, does loving dark chocolate automatically make you a snob?

  10. 10
    pooks19955 says:

    Congrats to you and your awesome blog!! If I could only ask one question, I would ask “Has a candy ever been so nasty that you had to literally spit it out”?

  11. 11
    Samantha says:

    Congrats on the three years! I have had a sweet tooth since…birth. Do you think a sweet tooth is a learned behavior or a genetic disposition? Nature vs nuture?

  12. 12
    Philly says:

    “In ASCII, the code for “3″ in hexadecimal is 33. This is the only character in ASCII such that a large file consisting of a single character has identical-looking hexadecimal and normal representation.”

    “Three is considered a good number in Chinese culture because it sounds like the word “alive”"

    Yay for fun three facts ^_^ If the president asked you to pick a candy to be the national candy for the USA, what would it be and why? :D

  13. 13
    Amy says:

    Whooo hooo! Happy Birthday to this great website and all the success that it has become!!!

    My question is this: Do you make a living out of running this website/blog? If so, how has it changed your life?

    We don’t see many candy related reviews anymore from you (Brian). Although your contributors are really nice and glad to read their reviews as well. =)

  14. 14
    Sera says:

    Happy Birthday Candy Addict. You should be so proud Brian! :)

  15. 15
    JAC55024 says:

    Happy Blog-o-versary!

    Ok, Candy addict – choice time! What one candy would you most want to be stranded with on a desert island?

  16. 16
    Jessica says:

    What is the very first candy you can remember eating?

  17. 17
    Mrs.Sound says:

    Congrats! And Happy 3rd Birthday!

  18. 18
    DSinAZ says:

    Congratulations! Nice job!

    My question(s) for you: Where do you see yourslf and the blog in the next three years? Any sweet changes ahead that you are working on?

  19. 19
    shermilli says:

    Happy birthday again!

    Ok, so you know sometimes if you eat the same thing over and over, you get to a point you don’t want it anymore for a few months or more.Like when I was pregnant I ate ramen noodles every day for like 2 months. Finally one day I woke up and couldn’t stand the sight of them anymore. I know you try all different kinds of candy, but have you ever just gotten sick of one certain kind? Even if it was just for a brief period??

  20. 20
    Sea Hag says:

    Happy Banana-versary!

    If you were a pinata, what kind of candy would you be full of?

  21. 21
    JAC55024 says:

    Another question! How do you keep your posts fresh after 3 years? Does it ever become a struggle to post on a regular basis? Do you ever just walk away from a post, or just decide not to post for a while to take a breather and refresh?

    Happy Sunday!

  22. 22
    Kirsten says:

    Congratulations and Happy Birthday! My question for you is – Since you have to try so many candies, are there any that you don’t like at all, and have never liked, no matter how many different types you try?


  23. 23
    JAC55024 says:

    I need help. I can’t stop thinking of questions…. What candy does the Candy Addict give away on Halloween?

  24. 24
    Jamie says:

    Congratulations, CA!!!

  25. 25
    AntFan says:

    Wow, already over 125 responses on your other Birthday blog, nice. It has been fun to watch this baby grow over the last 3 years, Brian.

    Interview question:
    Most of have a wonderful candy memory like pulling candy canes off the Christmas tree. What is your favorite candy related memory?

  26. 26
    Neug says:


    I’m thinking of opening an old-fashioned candy store on the little island of Ocracoke, NC. Do you have any advise, resources, or ideas?
    Thanks so much!
    The Neug

  27. 27
    Tracy says:

    Few more questions floating around in my head:

    Have you ever tried any unusual candy flavor combinations that you found unexpectedly delightful or disappointingly awful?

    Does candy packaging have any influence over things you try? Have any favorite or despised candy packaging? What about candy shapes?

  28. 28
    Heather says:

    Congratulations on hitting the big 0-3! I was wondering: Of all the types of candy that have been given the highly regarded “Awesomely Addictive Award,” is there one that sticks out in your mind as being exceptionally addictive? I mean, is there one that you think is so awesome that readers of this blog just HAVE to try? Also, how do you and your team of reviewers decide what candy to review? Thanks and congrats again!

  29. 29
    Candy says:

    Congratulations. I find this site absolutely fascinating!!! I’m curious though – do you struggle with cavities in your teeth with all your candy testing?

  30. 30
    Carl Weaver says:

    Congratulations on the anniversary! Two questions:

    1. Do you ever get tired of candy? I can’t imagine it but I’ve got to know.

    2. What is the single best thing you did to get the level of readership you have on your blog?

  31. 31
    Philly says:

    Think you’ll ever make a theme song for your blog? ^__^

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