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Candy Addict Turns Three and YOU Get Candy!

Categories: Candy,Candy Addict Site News,Candy Giveaways


image from

UPDATE: No more entries are being accepted!

October 3rd will be Candy Addict’s 3rd birthday! Three years of Candy Addict! To celebrate, you, our loyal reader, get a chance to win candy presents! I have loads and loads of candy and prizes to give away to three lucky readers (and maybe more).

A small sampling of the candy that will be given away:

and the list goes on and on and on and on.

“Brian”, you might say. “How can I win this wonderful candy goodness?” Easy, my dear Candy Addict… make sure you’re a registered Candy Addict then login and leave a birthday wish in the comments on this post and mention your favorite candy and/or favorite page on Candy Addict. You have til midnight (EST) Sunday night, October 5th, to leave the birthday comment – only leave one please – be fair. I’ll pick three people (the best comment and a few random ones) to win big candy prize packs. Be sure and use an email address that you actually check and make sure you can receive email from in case you win.

Good luck!

Prizes can be sent to US addresses only. Entrants must be 18 years of age or older. One entry per person, per email address. Offer void where prohibited. Not responsible for lost, misdirected, or unread e-mail or postal mail. If you don’t reply to the winning email in 2 days, your prize will be forfeit and we will choose another winner. Entries must be received no later than midnight EST on October 5, 2008. Don’t tear mattress tags off. Don’t swim for at least 30 minutes after consuming candy. Don’t run with scissors. May contain tree nuts. Does anyone read this?

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127 Responses to “Candy Addict Turns Three and YOU Get Candy!”

  1. 1
    Wilson_ImMe says:

    Happy B-Day Candy Addict. Congrats on 3 years and keep it up. I love all fruit flavored candy especially swedish fish and sour patch watermelons. Thanks.

  2. 2
    Nick says:

    Happy Birthday Candy Addict! I love websites that give us gifts for their birthdays!

  3. 3
    ButterflyKyss says:

    Happy Birthday Candy Addict!

    Ever since I first discovered this site I have returned (nearly religiously) daily to see what’s going on and to get great info on candy I want to try, and to live vicariously through the fab reviewers concerning candies I’ll never have the chance to try (stupid limited edition candies :(… ) So to ask what my favorite page on here is like asking me to choose my favorite child! :P

    My favorite candy however, is chocolate (and oh how I LOVE the chocolate experiment posts!). I could exist on chocolate alone. Seriously.

    Anyhow, great job on the site, and congrats on three FABULOUS years! I recommend the site to everyone I know, and am grateful to Brian and the rest of the staff for all your hard work! It payed off!

  4. 4
    Sandy says:

    Happy 3rd Birthday Candy Addict! Since I found you, you have become my “go to” place for all things candy. You help me remember all those great candies I loved as a kid as well as helping me decide if I want to spend my hard-earned money on something new I see in the grocery store aisle. You rock, Brian!

    My all-time favorite candy is the Zero bar! In fact, you’d be hard-pressed to name a Hollywood candy I didn’t like. I still mourn the loss of the ButterNut bar. I can even still sing the commercial jingle! :-)

  5. 5
    Cat says:


    This was the original site that launched (or maybe reinforced?) my obsession with candy. For years I sat alone in my room hoarding chocolates and sweets and alternately wondering if something may be wrong with me, and why I had to have a career that didn’t revolve around consuming candy. But when I discovered your site I realized that candy really IS a legitimate reason to be alive. And it’s ok to love it more than my boyfriend or mother. Thank you for validating my passion.

    My absolute favorite candy bar is Take 5, although I pretty much invite any candy back to my room if the opportunity arises. I could never choose a favorite CA article though, that would be worse than Sophie’s Choice.

    Please send me a case of Twix Java. Thank you. :)


  6. 6
    Chaoticfluffy says:

    Candy Addict! You and I share the same birthday! And (utterly shockingly), I am addicted to candy. Fate has clearly meant out…um…fates to be intertwined. And our candy, too. What kind creature spun out the thread of our dual fates on October 3rd, and thought to herself, “Horoscopes? Hmph. CANDYSCOPES are the wave of the future. And I’ll prove it. All I need to do is match up the first pair. I think Chaoticfluffy and…yes, a website will do. One named for candy, since Fluffy is destined to love such things. I shall inspire someone to call it…CANDY ADDICT”?

    Whoever she was, I like her.

  7. 7
    Philly says:

    “Don’t tear mattress tags off.” Hee hee… That made my day :)

    Happy Birthday Candy Addict ^__^ I did a song parody of Katy Perry’s “I Kissed A Girl” for you :D

    I ate a Mars Bar and I loved it
    The taste of it’s nougat, almonds, caramel and milk chocolate
    I ate a Mars Bar just to try it
    I hope my Hershey Bar don’t mind it
    It felt so sinful
    But it was delicious
    Doesn’t mean I’ll go off my diet
    I ate a Mars Bar and I loved it
    I loved it

    My favorite candy is Hershey Kisses ^_^ I love the story behind why they are called “kisses” and how they have had so many yummy varieties for the 100 year celebration :D

  8. 8
    catladyofmespo says:

    Happy Birthday, Candy Addict — I’m MAD at you!! Why?? Because thanks to you and your mouthwatering candy reviews, I can’t get candy (especially chocolate candy) off my mind. Visions of sugarplums (chocolateplums??) dance through my head, and before I realize what’s happening I’m racing off to the store in yet another candy treasure hunt! I’ve spent more time in the candy aisle of the grocery store than is appropriate, hunting for limited edition Hershey kisses, the latest Reese’s offerings and those to-die-for Java Twix bars.

    And let’s talk about my diet for a minute. Just a minute, because that’s all the time I’ve been able to stay on one ever since you came into my life. Best intentions be damned, I MUST have my candy fix every day!

    In honor of your birthday (and in lieu of an actual greeting card) I’ve composed the following poem for you:

    No more chocolate, no more fluff
    I am swearing off the stuff
    for though it has a strong appeal
    the side effects are all too real
    its temptation I must fight
    ’cause all my clothing is too tight
    One more Twix bar, then I’m through–
    Wait…. I’d like a Snickers too!

  9. 9
    cureusblue says:

    Happy Birthday Candy Addict! This site is wonderful and inspires many candy purchases. I don’t have a particular favorite candy, I like to mix it up! Well, except for the extreme sour things, I don’t like those.

  10. 10
    chgoeditor says:

    Happy birthday to you!
    Happy birthday to you!
    Happy birthday dear Candy Addict,
    Happy birthday to you!

    Licorice is red
    Sweetart Ropes are blue
    I never knew there was so much candy
    Until I met you!

    (OK, so I’m a much better candy addict than poet!) I got a laugh out of the fact that you’re a site that focuses on the love of all things candy, and you’re asking that we name a single favorite in our birthday greeting. That’s like telling a comedian that she has to pick his single favorite joke! Or like telling a fisherman that he has to pick a single lure. Or like telling a chef she can only cook with one ingredient!

    But if you’re going to ask me to name a single favorite, I’ll throw out one that you haven’t reviewed yet. (Because what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t share a little gift with you in the form of point you toward a “new” candy?) I love candy shrimp. ( I first discovered these when going to school in England. The snack bar would sell them for 1p (a penny) each, and I’d often spend all of my loose change on candy shrimp. They’re sort of a cross between a gummy and a dried-out marshmallow. And they’re excellent! I hope you can review them some time. (If I had some, I’d send them to you!)

    Happy 3rd birthday! I look forward to reading you for many years to come.

  11. 11
    mmccaule says:

    Happy Birthday, Candy Addict! Thanks for fueling my candy-buying habit, always encouraging me to “Go ahead, get another bag of Indiana Jones-theme Mint Crispy M&Ms!”.

    May you enjoy many more years of sugar-y goodness!

  12. 12
    missmoxie says:

    Happy Birthday!! WooHoo!! I love Bonomo Turkish Taffy!! But for today I’m into Sugar Babies and Milk Duds!!

  13. 13
    Wolfidy says:

    Happy Birthday, Candy Addict!

    I come here every day to keep on top of all the latest candy news and learn what I should and shouldn’t pick up next time I find myself in the candy section of the store.
    …I think I’ll always go for the Snickers with almonds, though. (Or anything with almonds, for that matter.)

    Keep up the awesome work!

  14. 14
    Chris Wagner says:

    I’m sure your website will have the SWEETEST birthday ever! My list of favorites got longer the day I found you — I love your site and I love candy – the chocolatier the better – although I do love Swedish fish also.

    If I could, I’d like to buy you one of these for your birthday –

    Here’s to many many more pages of candyaddict!

  15. 15
    Bear Silber says:

    Happy birthday to you!
    Happy birthday to you!
    Happy birthday dear Candy Addict!
    Happy birthday to you!!!!

    My favorite candy is really anything Reese’s but definitely the PB Cups! Love em, love em.

  16. 16
    Renata says:

    Happy Birthday Candy Addict!!
    I heart this site! I log on every morning to learn about new candies, then try to hunt them down to try them for myself….What fun!!

    My fave candies are hot tamales, good n’ plenty, sugar daddies, peanut m and m’s….the list goes on

  17. 17
    Samantha says:

    Happy Birthday! Three years of tooth-rotting, sugar headache inducing, dentist hating goodness is nothing to sneeze at. May this day be filled with loads of Pixie Sticks, creamy chocolate, chewy black licorice (my personal favorite!)and enough sour power to knock your socks off!!!

  18. 18
    Molly539 says:

    Happy Third birthday and may you have many more! I am a new reader of Candy Addict and have thoroughly enjoyed your reviews of my favorite food group. I have two favorite candies: Lindt Cherry Chili chocolate bars and Sunkist Fruit Gems.

  19. 19
    Corey says:

    Happy Birthday! I’ve only recently found the site and love every bit of it.

    I love all types of candy, but for some reason Skittles is the one candy I can’t get enough of, so I would have to dub them my favorite.

  20. 20
    Jeni says:

    Happy happy birthday! I check your site twice a day and hungrily read and reread my favorite reviews. Love you guys! *blows confetti*

  21. 21
    mcook says:

    Happy Birthday! Thanks for the great posts every week!

  22. 22
    pamelakrest says:

    I love this website and look at it daily. I loveeee anything taffy related or sour. Your recent article about Laffy Taffy was right up my alley hahaha
    I would think having a job with candy would be the ultimate job for anyone !
    I truly hope your website has tons of years to go .

    I think your voyage into candies of the world is VERY interesting and an awesome read!

  23. 23
    alsongbyrd says:

    Happy Birthday Candy Addict! Three fantastic years! We are looking forward to many more to come! I have to many favorite kinds of candy but to put my finger on exactly one would have to be gummy bears. Not those hard types but the really soft, sweet ones! Oh, the days of my childhood are coming back to me!

  24. 24
    ajewel says:

    Happy Birthday CA! I don’t exactly remember when I came across this site, but it’s helped me to find some awesome candy and to avoid some major duds at the same time!

    p.s. I tried making one of those candy cakes – I wonder how they keep them all neat and whatnot – because mine was all lumpy and crooked (but my husband loved it any way).

    p.p.s when I logged in, WordPress told me to tell you that there’s a newer version available. So I’m just doing my sheeple job and passing it on :-)

  25. 25
    Dawn Saunders says:

    Happy B-Day Candy addict. Hope it is cavity creatingly sweet.

  26. 26
    Kat says:

    Congrats on 3 years. It feels like I’ve been coming here for all the news there is to know for much, much longer. I’m here almost daily (daily when I can squeeze out the time), and I’m not sure I’ve ever refused to try a candy, although these days I can’t chew anything particularly hard or gummi (never mind those are my faves).

  27. 27
    iangla says:

    Happy Sweet B-Day Candy Addict. I first discovered you late last year and enjoy reading your reviews. It is good to know that there are others out there that share my passion for sampling all that is new and exciting in the Candy World.
    I especially enjoy reading the articles about “foreign” Candy as it offers something different from the “everyday”. I guess you could also say that I’m foreign as I’m Canadian. There is definitely a lot more new and exciting on the market in the U.S. because you have a much larger consumer market. Therefore I’m glad my wife is American so when I visit my inlaws, I raid the isles at Walgreen’s; Target; and Trader Joe’s!
    P.S.: I’ve also enjoyed trying your candy recipies! Chocolate toffee covered Matza was AWESOME!
    I’m jones’n for that Twix Java offer. I haven’t been able to find them anywhere.
    Happy B-day and best of luck!

  28. 28
    Mary says:

    Hey Candy Addict! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!I love your website so much! It is here I learned about Mint Crisp M&Ms and then later became obsessed with them. But that’s ok because I know you still love me despite my addiction. :) I also loved the matzo toffee recipe and so did the rest of my family! My favorite candy is mint crisp M&Ms (which *sob* are gone), and Stride gum! Thanks so much for three GREAT years!!!

  29. 29
    Laurie says:

    Dude… you are singlehandedly responsible for not only my increased trips to the dentist but also loss of gas due to trips to the stores to *find* these things and we won’t even get into the size of my ass. All because of YOU. Be proud and be honored and have a SWEET birthday :)

  30. 30
    klwilcox says:

    Feliz cumpleanos! You’re a bad influence!
    My favorite candy (lately) is Twix. Mmm.

  31. 31
    Corey Clayton says:

    Congrats Candy Addict on your big 3!
    At work, us candy cravers read your site all the time!

  32. 32
    alcopop says:

    happy birthday!I’m definitely curious about the twix java, but last time I was at costco, I found a giant bag of mixed candies: snickers, twix, dark milky ways, and 3 musketeers. While I hate 3 musketeers, they are currently being devoured by my coworkers, and the rest are safe at home. DELICIOSO!

  33. 33
    homfly1732 says:

    Happy Birthday Candy Addict! Thank you for spreading the sugary love. I can never get enough gummi bears.

  34. 34
    KFSonshine says:

    Haa!! Philly should totally get some candy for that “I ate a Mars bar” song parody.

    3 years?!!? Seriously!? Good grief, that’s hard to believe. I’m not up on what happens at different ages, so can Candy Addict hold its head up now or roll over? I guess the solid food question is unnecessary. Who knows what 4 will bring! Candy Addict could be riding a bike before we know it!


  35. 35
    Crafting Jen says:

    Happy Birthday, Candy Addict! I applaud you on your longevity – I made a small stab at reviewing late last year, and learned what a hard job it is. Kudos to you!

    If I had to pick just one candy bar as a favorite…gee, I don’t know if I can. But I’d be picking among Butterfinger Crisp, Take Five, and Reese’s Whipp, I think.

    I love Jelly Bellies, though lately I’ve become even more fond of Gimbel’s jelly beans – great flavors and textures like the Jelly Bellies, usually at a fraction of the price. Our Stop & Shop supermarkets carry a flavored jelly bean in their premium house brand, and it’s obvious from the package that they’re made by Gimbel’s.

  36. 36
    Mandy P says:

    Happy birthday Candy Addict! Thanks for keeping me up-to-date with what’s new in the world of candy!

    My favorite candies are Turtles and Chewy Sweet Tarts!

  37. 37
    Alex Lifeson says:

    Long time lurker, first time poster! I’ll wish you a Happy Birthday, even though it’s all your fault for the pounds I’ve gained while browsing Candy Addict! Anyhoo, the most tasty item I’ve viewed here is one that I’ve yet to try: the deep-fried Snickers. Oh someday….Here’s my present to you, a birthday haiku:

    So many candies
    And I’ve just gotten fatter
    Candy Addict yes!

  38. 38
    Adam says:

    happy birthday, candy addict!
    my favorite candy has gotta be the kit kat, in all its many splendored incarnations.

    i wrote a birthday haiku for you:

    oh! now you are three.
    smart enough to understand:
    licorice is gross.

  39. 39
    Adam says:

    dammit, i can’t believe there are now two haikus in a row… lol

  40. 40
    Renee says:

    Happy Birthday CandyAddict! This is my go-to place for all candy information! I can’t believe it’s been three years already! That’s fantastic! Hmmmmm, let’s see… my favorite candy? York Peppermint Patties. YUMMY.

    :) Happy Birthday! And here’s to many many more!!

  41. 41
    marvolosriddle says:

    Happy Birthday Candy Addict!

    I can hardly believe it’s been three years!

    My favorite candy is York Peppermint Patties! They’re the greatest! Mint rocks!

    Happy Birthday again! :) Here’s to many many more!

  42. 42
    salavari says:

    Happy Birthday, oh beloved Candy Addict!

    My favorite candy is Twix Java. Which just so happens to be an item in the giveaway. Suspicious, no? Yes!

  43. 43
    Chelsea says:

    Happy 3rd Birthday Candy Addict.I’ve been reading your site for a long time,. I constantly reference your reviews before I go to the grocery store so that I can try the same candies you do! I love basically any kind of candy, but chocolate is probably my favorite. I have wanted to try the Snickers Rockin’ Nut Road for a long time, but I can’t find it anywhere! Keep up the good work!

  44. 44
    wooz19 says:

    Happy Birthday Candy Addict! I love checking this site everyday – you’re the only ones who understand my need to try every candy possible :)

    My favorite candy is anything grapefruit flavored. The tops on my list probably are the Haribo grapefruit slices, Pink Grapefruit Mentos and the Yuzu Hi-Chews.

  45. 45
    xcherry54x says:

    Happy Birthday Candy Addict! Thank you so much for all the entertainment you’ve brought me. Reading daily makes my work day a little more sweet. My favorite reviews are of any Japanese candy. The Japanese candy market facinates me. Although, my all time favorite candy is the good old American Abba Zabba.
    Hope you’ve enjoyed the last 3 years as much as I have!

  46. 46
    Heather says:

    Happy birthday Candy Addict! May it be even sweeter than the last two! My favorite pages on the site are the reviews featuring Awesomely Addictive candy, of course! Picking a favorite candy is tough, but I guess I’ll have to go with Cadbury Creme Eggs. I stock up as best I can in the spring, but they never last long enough!

  47. 47
    JBaby says:

    Happy Birthday! Your daily updates get me through school! My favorite candy has got to be the Reese’s Big Cup. I’ve gone through many cases on my own.

  48. 48
    Alpinemaps says:

    Happy birthday!

  49. 49
    missy123 says:

    Hello, I’m Laura, and I’m a Candy Addict. Because of you, I no longer feel ashamed to confess my true love for candy.

    I hope all the staff at Candy Addict has a “sweet” third birthday. Congratulations on three years of excellent reviews. The writers are quite witty and it’s nice to read a review that doesn’t sound like it’s from a textbook. The best part is I no longer have to buy candy and wonder if it will end up in the trash can or having to beg someone else to take it from me.
    My favorite page on the site is the Candy Review section, of course. I get up to date information on the best products out there; even if they’re a little bizarre.

    I have quite a sweet tooth and have all my life. It’s been passed down to my daughter as well. My favorite candy used to be “bit o honey” but I can’t seem to find it anymore. No candy will replace it, but Sour Patch Kids come close.

  50. 50
    dan says:

    Happy Birthday Candy Addict! I want all the candy, and no i won’t share!

  51. 51
    chocozube says:

    Happy 3rd Birthday, Candy Addict!
    I live near Hershey, PA, and the Chocolate World ride is one of my favorite attractions, hands-down. I live with four fellow candy fiends who love it, too.

    I love the candy reviews — though I rarely hesitate to scarf down new candy, reviewed or not, it’s nice to hear what someone else has to say.

    I love all candy equally, but right now, I am on a peanut butter cup and caramel/chocolate kick.

  52. 52
    AntFan says:

    Happy 3rd Birthday Candy Addict! I am too tired to leave a fancy comment today, because my brand new baby girl was just born, and I haven’t slept…. but I love you guys. Cheers, and here’s to 33 more years!

  53. 53
    AntFan says:

    Ooohh… I am tired… Happy Birthdya again, and my favorite page on candy addict is the Moon Pie review.

  54. 54
    AlecM says:

    Happy Birthday Candy Addict!

    -raises Jelly Bean filled glass-

    To another three years of dental visits and All Candy Expos!

  55. 55
    Leann says:

    Happy Birthday Candy Addict!!!! You have saved me from many a candy misstep by guiding me away from the wasted calories of sweets that just don’t merit. I have all the chocolate I could want but I’m a candy addict too! Fruity, chewy, gummy, powdery – what do I want? What have you got? Thank you for steering me in the right direction when the new stuff hits the streets. Like a trustworthy Candy Pusher and a needy Candy Junky. As for my favorite candy, I’d have to say I currently have an unnatural addiction to Cherry Passion Tic Tacs. I just can’t say no! At any rate, whether I win or lose, Happy Happy Big 3!!!!!

  56. 56
    roxy72 says:

    Yay, Happy Birthday Candy Addict! I loved your coverage of the All Candy Expo– and now I dream of somehow getting invited to it. ;)

    Thanks for your blog.

  57. 57
    Jessica says:

    My favorite candy is the dark chocolate version of chunky bars, but that is impossible to find. I don’t even think they make it anymore!
    Happy Birthday! I love this site! I am a google reader subscriber!
    I LOVE the all candy expo coverage! It is my dream to go, but it will never happen, unless I win some sort of contest. I also love the retro candy reviews.

  58. 58
    reziel says:

    Happy 3rd birthday! is the flash drive to my USB port.

  59. 59
    Carlow says:

    Happy Birthday Candy Addicts, and many more…(at least more than my tooth enamel)! I live for dove dark chocolate. I love your chocolate page for when I’m feeling naughty, and the sugar free page when I’m not.

  60. 60
    thetrojan says:

    I say screw politics, lets just eat candy all day:) Happy Birthday Candy Peeps..I really love all the Special edition candies you check out, mainly chocolate. You also helped me locate my long lost childhood candy-fruit shaped candies. I’m VERY thankful but my dentist isn’t:)



  61. 61
    Caitlin says:

    I just wanted to say congrats to AntFan! Good luck with those sleepless nights… and remember, they gotta have teeth before you can give them candy. ;)

  62. 62
    Mommy Cracked says:

    Happy Birthday Candy Addict!! This is an amazing blog and I have enjoyed reading it so much!

    My favorite candy? Sour Patch Kids!

  63. 63
    Jess says:

    Happy Birthday, CA. You don’t look a day over 2. Everyone knows that candy preserves youth much better than Botox. Frozen face–no thanks. Frozen Milky Ways–heck yeah!

  64. 64
    chris27120 says:

    Happy Birthday to you from Indianapolis, Indiana!!! I am so happy halloween is coming.. my favorite time of year, I love all the different candies out there!

  65. 65
    thalthewall says:

    Happy birthday. great blog, great reading.

    My favorite candy is junior mints, but im partial to anything chocolate

  66. 66
    Matthew says:

    Happy Birthday Candy Addict!!!!! We love your site, us being … you give us soo much inspiration… with were a small mom and pop shop and we read your blog every morning much… we love candy and we love candy addict

  67. 67
    jenny says:

    salted caramels are my faves. happy bday!

  68. 68
    Jeni says:

    I already put a comment, (number 18) but it does not express my love for this site enough. I also didn’t say what candies I liked. I LOVEEEEE Candy Addict so much it’s crazy! Happy Birthday! As for my fave candies, there are way too many to love. For everyday drugstore stops, I’m into Sour Patch Kids and Hot Tamales, and I also love Gharidelli raspberry squares. Plus chocolate-covered strawberries are awesome, if they count as candy. :)
    Once again, I am loving this site so SO so s0000 so SO sooo much!

  69. 69
    bookgirl234 says:

    Happy Birthday!! Thanks for keeping me abreast of the candy world!

  70. 70
    Astrid says:

    Happy birthday, Candy Addict! It’s because of you that I can’t help myself from buying Java Twix whenever I see them, even if I am completely full. Yum yum yum.

  71. 71
    bookroomreviews says:

    I just stumbled onto your blog and love it! Happy Birthday and best wishes for many more! I love Taffy esp. strawberry:)

  72. 72
    sheriw1965 says:

    Happy Birthday, Candy Addict! I beg of you, please award me the Java Twix. I can’t find them ANYWHERE, and I have gone into withdrawal!

  73. 73
    cristal says:

    Wishing you many more happy birthdays. I could not pick a favorite page. I love everything that is written here. I am also a daily reader. My favorite candy is the take 5. YUM!

  74. 74
    JAC55024 says:


    TWIX JAVAAAAAAAA! I love! Love love love! I promise to share some (a minimum of 2, but no more than…um…3. Ok, 4. 5 if you make me, but I will pout for a few days).

  75. 75
    Sea Hag says:

    Happy Birthday! My favorite page was the interview you guys did about me… but I might be a little biased.

    Here is a haiku I wrote about Sky Bars:

    Sky Bar:
    A Study in Haiku

    Fry’s Electronics
    An unbeknownst purveyor
    of candy goodness

    In the check-out line
    Sky Bars wait on bottom shelf
    I love impulse buys

    Retro candy treat
    Four flavors wrapped in chocolate
    Those seem like good odds

    First bite of caramel
    (Pronounced with two syllables
    to fit the haiku)

    Too sweet and gritty
    Covered in crap chocolate
    I wish for Rolos

    Fudge for second piece
    Takes alarming amount of
    Time to masticate

    Peanut butter third-
    Oh God! The peanut butter!
    That horrid filling

    Words fail to describe
    Such a vile, rancid treatment
    of that beloved food

    Oily and bitter
    I would much rather snack on
    a used toilet seat

    Last is vanilla
    May be the best by far but
    that’s not saying much

    Oh my dear Sky Bar
    Waste of a good idea
    My hopes have faded

    Necco Company
    Please stick to those wafer things
    Leave chocolate alone

  76. 76
    zomgcandy says:

    Happy birthday, and congratulations! How long is three years in candy years?

    I’m a fan of your gross candy page. And of the Nestle Lion.

  77. 77
    akiko says:

    Happy Birthday Candyaddict! big fan here :)

  78. 78
    amypaige says:

    Happy Birthday Candy Addict!

    Candy is one of those things that sort of fell by the wayside in my adult life amidst trying to eat super healthy foods. But then I was trying to remember a candy name, stumbled upon your site, and I’ve been reintroduced and addicted to candy anew. And that was 3 years ago. My favorites are anything super sour and gummy. Thanks for keeping me up to date on all the latest candy creations. I check in daily for my virtual fix.

  79. 79
    Lindsay says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY CANDY ADDICT!! you are doing a wonderful thing for us candy lovers…i think i would be lost without you! and i was so pleasantly surprised to find that this whole thing was started in my hometown! great things come from NC!
    i always try to keep up to date on limited edition candy, and i definitely turn to you guys for the latest! i find myself obsessed with ANYTHING peanut butter and chocolate…or snickers bars, so i’m constantly waiting to see what’s next for them! i’m excited to find out what’s to come with halloween right around the corner. keep up the good work!

  80. 80
    mastergan says:

    Happy Birthday, as said in the wise words oif my friend and my daughters friend, Mr. Cookie Monster, Me like Candeeeeeeeee!!!!

  81. 81
    sjbutler1 says:

    Happy Birthday, Candy Addict! My days would be a little less sweet without my daily visit to your site. I love your classic/retro candy page (and the retro candy itself). There are too many favorites to list, but Valomilks, Twin Bings, Big Hunks and top my list. And I’m still hoarding and slowly working my way through a box of the Reese’s Elvis PB/Banana cups.

    Keep up the great work, and Happy Birthday!

  82. 82
    lenya says:

    Happy Birthday!

    As a fellow addict, I love visiting your site and reading your RSS feed. (And I love introducing folks to the word ‘mockolate’ to explain why some candy bars just aren’t as good as they might remember them being.)

    I’m obsessed with limited edition candies – even if I promise myself that I’m not going to buy any sweets, they end up in the cart anyways.

    Keep up the great work, keeping us all informed about new developments in the wonderful world of sweets!

    Favorites: Pine-fresh Mentos, fresh gummi bears, real chocolate (both fancy and plain!), Twix, Valomilk, Cherry Mash, Colt’s Bolts, Pocky (especially the more exotic flavors), Warheads, Sour Patch Kids, candied ginger, ginger and licorice Altoids, strong European licorice, marzipan, Jelly Belly beans – just to name a few. :)

    I think it’d be easier for me to name candies I didn’t like than ones I love. :)


  83. 83
    ebidebby says:

    Happy birthday,! I love having a reliable source for candy information and opinions, and opened my eyes to the world of candy blogging! My favorite candy is usually green tea flavored, but I also love Jelly Belly jelly beans.

    It’s hard to pick a favorite page, but I love the Japanese KitKat reviews!

  84. 84
    shermilli says:

    Happy 3rd Birthday!!!

    I found this site not that long ago, and I am so glad I did. I love chocolate, pretty much any kind is yummy to me! I love to see your reviews on the limited edition candies, and seeing ones that have become extinct. My 2 year old daughter and I always end up getting some sort of chocolate from the store. Sometimes she picks out stuff that looks gross, so I come to your site for advise. Thanks for everything!

  85. 85
    Mousey says:

    Happy Birthday!

    My favorite candy would be the Take 5. When you just can’t freakin’ decide between the chocolate covered pretzels or the Snickers or the Reese’s…you can have all three in one bar!

    I also have an obsession with Japanese gummis.

  86. 86
    dgleason42 says:

    3 years of candy addiction is a terrific thing to be able to celebrate. How many other types of addiction are so wonderful? None, no matter what David Duchovny might say.

    This site is a daily stop for me, and is the reason that I have a “candy” category in Google Reader. It has brought me some great laughs – the recent use of the term “sourgasm” leaps immediately to mind – and has directed me to some great discoveries. World Market for candy? I’d never thought twice about going into those stores, and now they start smiling when they see me coming, knowing I’m going to be buying more delicious candy.

    As far as a favorite candy, the easy answer is, “the candy I’m eating now.” But if I look back and pick the one candy that has given me the most pleasure over the years, I’d have to say it is the simple but wonderful Cadbury Dairy Milk bar. Not the Hershey-rebranded abomination, mind you, but the real stuff from Blighty. The mouth feel, the sense of satisfaction, and the general great feeling I get when I share one with my wife makes it a simple but profound pleasure.

    This year, with this site as my inspiration, I’m going to be giving out the most unusual candy in the neighborhood for Halloween. Sure, the kids may question some of the options in my Halloween bowl, but I’ll certainly have more fun introducing them to new and interesting flavors that aren’t necessarily straight out of a Sam’s club value bag.

    Thanks for 3 years!

  87. 87
    Sarah says:

    Happy happy birthday, Candy Addict! I have been visiting your site for over a year now…so glad to see how much this site has expanded over time!

    Here’s wishing to many more years of sweetness for us all! :)


  88. 88
    emily2b says:

    Dear Candy Addict,


    (I like it.) (All.) (Especially gummy things.) (And Chocolate.)

    Happy Birthday.


  89. 89
    lmspitz says:

    Happy 3rd birthday, Candy Addict.
    I am a Hardcore Twix and Reese’s junkie. I found this site , by accident about 1 yr ago. I can’t go to bed without cheecking up with the site, looking for news about my 2 favorite candy bars. Looking foward to birthday 4, 5, 6, ect, ect, ect.

    Once Again Happy 3rd Birthday.


  90. 90
    Marvo says:

    Happy anniversary, Candy Addict!

    I’m glad that you guys get the cavities, so I don’t have to.


  91. 91
    Charlie says:

    Happy Birthday Candy Addict!

    May you never get help for your addiction!

  92. 92
    negneg189 says:

    Gelukkige Verjaardag!
    Joyeux anniversaire !
    Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
    Χρόνια πολλά!
    Buon compleanno!
    축 생일!
    С днем рождения!
    ¡Feliz cumpleaños!

    I love you, Candy addict! You have supplied my boredom and frequent sick days with something to do, in something that I adore! I have so much content to post about candy, but I’ll put it in a song instead:

    {To the tune of ‘Impossible’ from Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella}

    It’s Possible!
    For a world full of healthy to have a little sugar…
    It’s possible!
    For a hershey’s chocolate kiss to have a chewy center….
    And watermelons to be grown in sour patches.
    With you I can spring open the candy latches!
    It’s possible!
    It’s possible!
    For the world is full of health freaks and fools…
    Who don’t believe in the candy eating rules…
    And won’t believe what Brian says..
    For with all these popping buttons on coats.
    And cavities in our teeth- oh noes!
    Possible things are happening…

    PS- I adore every kind of candy, except licorice. Not a fan of licorice. But gummies are my favorite :)

    Oh Candy addict, I love you!

  93. 93
    Frances says:

    Is today the day?

    Happy 3rd birthday to the sweetest blog on earth!

  94. 94
    whatevermelon says:

    Such a dangerous website…but i love it, cant help it I LOVE CANDY!! Happy Birthday and thanks for your salivating-ly sweet words and images.

    CELEBRATE THE CAVITY, as I am sure all of us addict’s have had at least a few. Ive gotten mine over SPK (sour patch kids), tootsie rolls, reese’s cups, sweedish fish, 5th avenue and well anything else that catches my eye on any given day. Anything chewy with sour sugar, or chocolate with peanut butter.

  95. 95
    swimnnikki says:

    Happy Birthday Candy Addict!!! Just thinking about your birthday makes my teeth hurt, in a good way!

  96. 96
    martymankins says:

    Happy Birthday… always nice to celebrate with some sweets.

  97. 97
    allisonh says:

    It’s somebody’s birthday…I wonder who. It’s somebody’s birthday…on this website near you. So look all around…until you see who. They’re laughing, they’re smiling…my goodness, it’s YOU!!!

    Happy Birthday!! Celebrate with some Charleston Chew or Reese’s Fast Break, like I love to do!!!



  98. 98
    foodiedani says:

    happy birthday to you, cha cha cha

    i love most candy, but my favorites are probably reese’s pb cups, skor bars, hershey’s hugs, and reese’s whipped.

  99. 99
    jilleh says:

    Many Hapy Hapy returns of the Day!! In other words….may the candy flow like water.
    Best wishes for many more wonderful years of great Candy news!!

    Me I’m a big fan of peanut butter and chocolate..but who it isn’t.

  100. 100
    TSannie says:

    Just read about you in our local (Norwalk, CT) paper – my first visit. Must go explore now. And happy 3rd birthday!

  101. 101
    kartunlk says:

    a happy, happy birthday to candy addict! i’ve got a big bday coming up in exactly one week, so this would be the best gift EVER! i even wrote a little riddle about my favorite candy, can you figure it out?

    Two types of taste,
    crammed into one.
    Very sweet and a bit salty,
    never to be outdone.

    It simply can’t be beaten,
    my life it surely sweetens
    since “there’s no wrong way to eat it”

    *answer below:

    Reese’s peanut butter cup!

  102. 102
    hessie says:

    Hey!!! Happy 3rd Birthday Candy Addict!!! i am a new kid on the block, but really enjoy your site, great job!!! now let’s see as for my favorite candy, CHOCOLATE, probably snickers, no wait it’s mounds bar, no reese cup, or maybe it’s the yummy crunch of butterfinger….oh, ok i like them all. Happy Happy Birthday!!!!

  103. 103
    Coco says:

    Happy Yummy Birthday!

  104. 104
    Tracy says:

    Happy 3rd Birthday, Candy Addict! I’ve been coming here for a long time, and I’m happy as a kid in a candy store for you guys to have made it another year!

    Where else could I go to stroll down memory lane ( or be entertained by tales of The Great Chocolate Experiment ( or learn about the trendiest flavors in the confectionery world ( There are even reviews of some of my favorite foreign candies (, crazy, delicious treats I grew up with in my bizarre melting pot of a neighborhood. I mean, how cool is that?

    In a word, you guys ROCK! You tempt my sweet tooth and feed my spirit almost daily, and I can’t imagine a sweeter place on the Internet. Here’s to 3 more excellent years and beyond!

  105. 105
    pooks19955 says:

    Happy Chocolatey, Gooey, Carmeley, Marshmellowey Birthday Candy Addict!!! Long time lurker….Favorite though you can’t get it anymore – The WHATCHAMACALLIT – Before the caramel was added…Yummy…I wish they would bring that back!!!!!! Happy Happy Day!!

  106. 106
    Krista says:

    Happy happy happy birthday! I love all sorts of sweet and chewy and sour and melty and delicious candy–you know, the kinds you write about? I love Swedish Fish the best though. I also love everything about this site. Happy birthday, again.

  107. 107
    BlueCandy says:

    Happy Birthday! I wish you all the best–but how oh how could you ask me to name my favorite candy? That’s like trying to pick your favorite child (which I still suspect is me, though my mother refuses to admit it). Cadbury mini eggs, Sour Punch ropes/straws/bites, Twix, Nutrageous (highly underrated), Dum Dums, popcorn-flavored jelly beans, the list goes on…now that I’m on a serious one-track mindset of CANDY, I’ll say happy birthday one more time and then it’s off to raid my pantry :)

  108. 108
    Chris says:

    Hi Candy Addict! Happy birthday!
    My favorite post here is the one where I revealed my um, obsession with sorting candy, and then eating them evenly (things such as Skittles, M&Ms, and Bottle Caps.) Speaking of Bottle Caps, I love them! And Jelly Bellys! And my top 5 candy bars change regularly (right now – 3 Musketeers, Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs (or Pumpkins, Trees, etc.), Take 5, Kit Kat, and Hershey’s with Almonds.)

    I think I’ll go scout out those Jelly Bellys I have stashed away. :)

  109. 109
    nicky63220 says:

    Happy Birthday Candy Addict!!!

    My favorite candy is probably candy cigarettes or bottle caps.

    This is why I love candy: Candy has always had a special meaning to me. Ever since I was a kid, I used to love Halloween. I’d also get a special feeling when Halloween time came(my favorite holiday). I’d walk around the neighborhood with my neighbors, we’d fill our pillow sacks to the top with tons of sugary sweets. Then we’d get home and trade candy. I liked almost all of the candies. The next day I’d eat my candy, but would take my time because I wanted to savor each piece. As I’d go through my pile, putting on wax fangs at the same time, I’d see all my candies, and think of what the delight would be when I got to eat each piece. Candy is my life. I read blogs all day and discover new things, and get sad when candy has been discontinued. Why do they have to discontinue the good candy? One of my favorite discontinued candies were Tart N’ Tinys. They were so fun to play with and pop in my mouth. I don’t think I could live without candy. It has a special meaning in my life. I will keep on influencing people to try a candy they never heard of, or dare them to eat 5 atomic fireballs at once. I will always love candy, and give out the bests during Halloween. Thank you Candy Addict for reminiscing moments of old hard to find candy. And I will always read it.

  110. 110
    ramamoore says:

    Happy birthday!
    Thank you for always inspiring me to try new candy. Especially since I’ll eat anything except for things that are mango-flavored

  111. 111
    Kristina6778 says:

    Happy B-day and congrats on 3yr. I am partial to Twix, but good old candy corn is right up there, too.
    Your Top 10 Grossest Candies article has me intrigued, I have got to go check it out.

    Happy B-day!!

  112. 112
    davidimel says:

    Happy Birthday, wow 3yrs old , hmmm, I just saw this sight on a website and here I am telling a addict happy birthday and keep on doing it…… not usually what you would tell an addict. Are there meeting for this, cuz I have been an addict since I can remember, had a job at the ice cream store when I was in school, cleaned up at night, dated the owners girl so I could get more candy and ice cream, thats not even the worst part of my addiction, but this is about your birthday, my advice to you is keep brushing your teeth and it wont be a problem…… thanks for being here, a fellow addict….. David

  113. 113
    ahovestol says:

    Happy birthday Candy Addict!!!

    I’m a new member, but I’ve been a visitor of the sight for a while now. I can’t single out one particular page that I like the most, since the whole site is awesome! In honor of your 3rd b-day, I’ll list my top 3 favorite candies: Reese’s, Snickers, and M&M’s. Keep up the great work!


  114. 114
    stalpam says:

    Happy birthday… I love all kinds of candy…

  115. 115
    DSinAZ says:

    Happy Birthday! The first time I came across your website was after having a discussion with my husband about our favorite childhood candies. I was very impressed with your site then and still am.

    My sister always thought I was crazy but my favorite childhood candy was toffeefay. I would try my hardest to eat the layers seperately. I still remember the commercial jingle and sometimes, though rarely, find this candy available.

  116. 116
    diane says:

    happy birthday candy addict ! i would love to win !! do you ever hear of a childhood candy , back in the late 60′s called baseballs ?

  117. 117
    fairylane says:

    Happy birthday, CA! I read the site fairly religiously (and somewhat ironically, as a diabetic – but one who can eat candy if she uses judicious insulin). As a Canadian living in the States for school, perhaps not my favourite candies, but those I miss, are the Canadian ones like Crunchies and Aero Bars and Coffee Crisp that you just don’t really see here. (Don’t get me started on ketchup chips!) If I had another option, anything Japanese, generally…particularly green tea and red bean flavours.

    Happy birthday, keep up the good work! You’ve chosen a subject matter that will never run dry.

  118. 118
    milkwithcookies says:

    when i have a candy inquiry, i always visit this site. when i get older i would love to try candy from all over the world. i love candy and i’ve got a few cavities to prove it hahah. but don’t worry i brush much more often now that i have this incredible sweet tooth. and whenever i have a bad day i reach for something sweet and it makes it all better :). i have been on a quest to try different candy bars. my latest was the heath bar. it was great. but i would love to try a lot more.


  119. 119

    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm….the most delicious site on the web!! Happy Birthday!

  120. 120
    jrdunn says:

    AAAAAAAAAAHAHHHHHHHHHHHH 3 years of candy! yum! candy candy candy candycandycandycandycandycandycandycandycandycandycandycandycandycandycandycandycandycandycandy aahhhh so hyper i just had 3 bags of sweedish fist….this ssite has become a part of my life for the past 3 years…is three years old too young to marry? Will you marry me? how old is 3 in candy years? we can get married on halloween its like national candy day! well just wanted to say this site is amazing and happy SWEET birthday

  121. 121
    andyr says:

    Happy, happy birthday Candy Addict! I really think this website is a treasure. While I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve read here, I think my favorite page is foreign candy – I love that you remind us that there’s more to candy than the usual suspects. My favorite candy? Who knows – one day I crave Zagnuts (probably for the Z, I’d be ok with Zots), 4-5 times a week I need some form of chocolate (preferably at least 70%), and licorice is always in the back of my mind (especially Heksehyl sweet logs – molassessy yum!). I suppose if I absolutely had to choose a single favorite, it would be Circus Peanuts – not because I like them (at all), but because my wife loves them and I can’t get over how funny (and bizarre) I think it is. I also like that they’re genuinely “Old Timey” (if gross). Anyhoo…

    Keep up the great work, I’d nominate you for a Pultizer if I could…or at least a James Beard award. You’re the bee’s knees!

  122. 122
    ncisfan719 says:

    My sweet website! Your candy reviews make me melt every time I read them, and I savor your stories. I am treated to a great read every time I log on. Just the pictures of candy make me salivate and wish I was there to sample them with you! Have a delectable birthday and many more!

  123. 123
    micaela6955 says:

    To satisfy my cravings,
    I would like a dish
    filled with Reese’s, Butterfingers,
    Almond Joys and Swedish Fish.
    In the office, when PMS hits
    tons of women are on the prowl
    looking for chocolate goodness
    as our bellies begin to growl
    We head from desk to desk
    to see whose candy is the best
    a few here, a few there
    chocolate sugar overload-we need to rest.
    Happy Birthday Candy Addict
    please help me fill my office candy jars
    it might even get me a raise
    when my supervisor comes looking for candy bars!

    Just registered today after finding your site-looking forward to many return visits! My favorite is the Butterfinger bar, has been for years! Thanks for having the giveaway, and again, Happy Birthday!

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  124. 124
    sweetone624 says:

    Hey Guys!! I am new to the site!!! Winning would be a great welcome gift. I wouldn’t mind getting the M&M Premium martini gift. Thanks so much!!!

  125. 125
    dmoisan says:

    Happy Birthday! In three years, There’s one candy I have never seen here: Sno-Caps! Nonpariels!

  126. 126
    EpicDream says:

    Happy birthday Candy Addict! Whenever I get a hankering for sweets, I’ll go to your site for candy……..that is, “eye candy”! Okay, sorry for the bad pun, but your site is truly a tasty piece. Just reading about candy is wonderful enough, but what makes it even better is the great writing and variety of reviews you have. I always check this site before I buy candy and have you to thank for avoiding needless calories.

    My favorite “candy” is Pocky. Something about the flavors and balance between biscuit and cream are amazingly addictive. As for a legit favorite candy, chocolate is definitely the choice for me. No words necessary to describe how I feel about it.

  127. 127
    Philly says:

    Were winners picked? ^_^

    I heart the “anti-spam” words we have to type before posting :D

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