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Vote for Jelly Belly’s Next New Flavor!

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Have you always dreamed of running your own candy company, making all the decisions, guiding the fate of flavors? Well, you still can’t do all that, but you can have a say in the choice of the newest Jelly Belly Jellybean flavor.

Out of over 200,000 flavor suggestions, five have been chosen to vie for public opinion and the chance to make it big as an official Jelly Belly flavor. The five choices are Sublime Chili Lime, Honey, Thai Iced Tea, Mojito, and Acai Berry. You can vote once per day through August 31, so if you see something you’d really like to try, get out there and vote!

A little while ago we came up with some new flavors of our own – check out Candy Addict’s Girly Beans! Somehow none of them managed to make it into the final five… oh well, maybe next time!

For the record, my choice is honey, but I think Acai berry could be interesting as well. Let us know your pick in the comments below!

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16 Responses to “Vote for Jelly Belly’s Next New Flavor!”

  1. 1
    DAVID KLEIN says:

    This is david klein…the inventor of Jelly Bellies….I wish all the contestants well…We made some honey beans in 1978. Not a big seller…Perhaps orange blossom honey would be a better choice as a flavor……As for me I would go with the Mojito…..

  2. 2
    Kacey says:

    I picked Mojito. I’m not a big fan of iced tea or chili lime and honey gives me a tummy ache. What does acai berry taste like? I keep hearing about them but haven’t tried anything with that flavor.

    I wish they would make a dessert line of Jelly Bellies. Like s’mores, brownie, chocolate chip cookie, devil and angel food cake. That would be tasty.

  3. 3
    Joel says:

    I submitted the Acai Berry flavored jelly and I can explain why I think it’d be a perfect Jelly Belly. First of all, it’s exotic BUT it’s slowly becoming a more popular flavor over time. It’s a superfood so it has its health benefits AND it’s a simple fruit! That’s all! Plus it’s a berry that also tastes like chocolate, how bad could that be?

  4. 4
    Steph says:

    I choose to vote for Acai Berry because I haven’t seen a candy flavored as such. Sounds great! And congrats to you, Joel!

  5. 5
    Cielo May says:

    Thai Iced Tea!! yummeh!

  6. 6
    Denise says:

    MOJITO all the way for me! Yum-o!

    Acai Berry sounds like medicine. No thanks.

    Honey sounds okay, I guess.

  7. 7
    laura says:

    in response to kasey – yeah, me too! the flavor i suggested for the contest was Angel Food Cake, but it wasn’t selected as a finalist. Apparently the Jelly Belly people don’t know a winner when they see it.

  8. 8
    Travis says:

    I love acai berry juice. Voted for acai!

  9. 9
    Kevin says:

    I voted for the Acai Berry flavor… the acai fruit is a great tasting fruit. It taste like a berries with a hint of chocolate.

  10. 10
    Leo says:

    I voted for honey! It just feels like a natural fit for Jelly Belly beans, which I LOVE, and sounds yummy!

  11. 11
    Bruce says:

    I am so glad and excited that the acai berry won the jelly belly contest! I love the flavor so I’m hoping it translates well into candy form. I think mojito just had too many flavors going on in it..honey was my second choice.

  12. 12
    Dragon-chan says:

    I’m all for the mojito flavor. I love mojitos, and it just sounds like a perfect flavor, so good that I’m amazed they haven’t made it yet.

  13. 13
    AntFan says:

    Açai Berry won! So, where can we get it?

  14. 14
    Acai Pills says:

    HAHA Acai berry won that is soo funny Im almost in tears right now. Has anyone tried it?

  15. 15
    Acai Berry says:

    well, that’s pretty impressive. It goes to show people like the taste of acai despite the focus on health of the berry.

  16. 16
    Chocolicious says:

    Acai Berry- that is a GREAT thing! It probably means that acai berries are perhaps the ultimate healthy food!

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