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Introducing Snackerrific – our new snack site!

Categories: Candy Addict Site News


Think of everything you love about Candy Addict – reviews, Top 10 lists, news, etc. Now, apply all of that to snacks. What do you get? Snackerrific!

Candy Addict is proud to announce the unveiling of our new sister site, From potato chips to ice cream, you’ll find something to whet your appetite and tickle your funny bone every day of the week. We’ve got six excellent snack writers on staff and they have already written some great snack reviews so you won’t see an empty site when you visit for the first time. Here’s what we’ve covered on Snackerrific:

So come on over, pop open a bag of pretzels, and settle in for a snack-lover’s paradise! Let us know what you think (either here or there), and help make Snackerrific every bit as successful as Candy Addict! See you there!

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One Response to “Introducing Snackerrific – our new snack site!”

  1. 1
    Plantation Caribbean Restaurant says:

    I envey you the candy addicts. I just have to look at candy and I can see my weight increasing.

    I say to all the addicts out there.. if you eat candy and not put on any weight please eat for me too..

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