If you knew me in real life, you would know that very little shocks me. I’m one of those people who finds things like comic strips and stand up comedians funny, but rarely laughs out loud. Every once in a while, though, something comes along which makes me not only laugh, but laugh long and loud enough to justify sharing it with my friends. In this case, as the cause of my endless laughing was a candy, I felt compelled to share it with the wider Candy Addicted world.
I am, of course, talking about gummi lighthouses.
The thing that perplexes me, of course, is that I have no idea why anybody would think about making a gummi lighthouse in the first place. The whole gummi animal thing makes sense to me – fish and bears and little tiny people are kinda cute. Gummi fruit is a total no-brainer – because it makes logical sense to make a candy look like the flavor of fruit it is. Random shapes like rings and squares and soda bottles also make sense. Lighthouses? Yeah. Not so much.
One wonders if this is some sort of subliminal message. (You’ll have to click on the link below to see what I mean.)
For the purposes of not harming small children in the making of this article, a photo of the actual product can be found at this link:
(Thanks to Bob at http://pfdebate.com for the tip – no pun intended)
I’d love to have some of these gummies, hubby would get a kick out of them!
June 24th, 2008 at 4:55 pmOh
Those are some amazing erected lighthouses… they even put some sideways so you can the “correct” view.
June 24th, 2008 at 5:08 pmO
Oh these are funny! Where can I buy some? heehee! No, really…anyone know where to buy these? :)
June 25th, 2008 at 3:35 amI finally realized why they call these things “gummy bears” – after my last tooth rotted out, I had nothing left to chew with and had to gum them. Good thing they are designed to melt at body temperature and upon being awash in saliva. Thank you candy manufacturers for addicting us to your processed sugar products – they’re no different from heroin or crystal meth. We’re just much fatter (obese, actually) and more likely to die from diabetes than a fatal overdose. Opps, there I go again, splitting Jelly Bellys.
June 25th, 2008 at 8:37 pmI saw some gummy centipedes a few days ago… ew!
June 26th, 2008 at 2:36 amErm. They look… Disturbing?
June 26th, 2008 at 1:09 pm