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All Candy Expo Wrap Up – Jamie

Categories: Candy,Candy News


Ferrara Pan Booth

I’ve only been home for a few days, but I already miss the All Candy Expo. It was strange to wake up on Friday morning and not take a train to a magical place where Willy Wonka danced around the aisles, where giant caramel creams hung suspended from the ceiling, where bins of Atomic Fireballs were waiting to be scooped up by the handful, and where candy was the number one priority for the thousands of people roaming about the room.

Thankfully, I have about 30 pounds of Expo candy at my house right now to help me replicate the All Candy Expo experience! I have seriously never seen so much candy in all my life, and I was a champion trick-or-treater as a kid. My haul from the Expo blows away even my greatest Halloween pillowcase fillers by leaps and bounds.

I had so much candy in my suitcase that I actually had to take some out and carry it in a tote bag so that my suitcase didn’t go over the 50 pound limit. I got some pretty strange (and amused) looks from my fellow passengers, who I’m sure were quite curious as to why I had about 10 pounds of candy on my arm.

The booths at the All Candy Expo are fantastic! Dove had a “Dove Oasis” set up, complete with a chocolate dipping fountain and a cushy seating area surrounded by lush chocolate and caramel colored silk curtains. Hershey had their very own bakery inside of their booth, where they cooked up super rich brownies and fresh s’mores. Ferrara Pan had my favorite booth, a gigantic replica of a candy dispenser that loomed over the entire convention (seen above).

For all of you Wacky Wafers fans out there- I passed along your comments to the (super nice!) folks at Wonka, who were very interested to hear how much excitement and passion there still is for the beloved discontinued candy. I have to admit, I stopped by the Wonka booth several times, because they were offering one of my favorite candies of the Expo – Wonka Tinglerz, a fantastic chocolate fizzing candy that will be available in the Fall. Look for a review here on Candy Addict very soon!

Speaking of reviews, I’ll have several in-depth reviews of my favorite Expo candies on the site very soon, among them the Reese’s Select Cluster, a delicious peanut/pecan/caramel treat that I think will be a big hit with Reese’s fans. I’m already crazy about them!

I have to say, beyond the pounds and pounds of candy I brought home, the best part about the trip was meeting Caitlin and Brian. It was so fun to spend time with fellow Candy Addicts who really understand how exciting it is to see a new product or taste a limited edition candy that hasn’t hit the stores yet– something I’m sure all of you can understand!

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One Response to “All Candy Expo Wrap Up – Jamie”

  1. 1
    oakling says:

    omg. can anyone go? do you just have to pay? or is it Candy Experts Only? :)

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