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S’more 101 T-shirt

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S’more 101 T-shirt

(image from

I’m not really a big fan of numbers. Or science. Or instruction manuals, for that matter. So I don’t really know if all the specs work out. But I do enjoy t-shirts. And I love s’mores. And since my affinity for the latter outweighs my disdain for the former at a ratio of exactly 7652:1 (did I do that right? Like I said, I’m really more for the candy than the math) I feel that puts me in the clear to adore this S’mores how-to shirt from Threadless.

My only concern? I have always – always – constructed my s’mores with the marshmallow on top of the chocolate square. Have they changed the rules since I took S’more 101? ‘Cause I gotta tell ya, I don’t know that I’m willing to change. It’s pretty perfect that way. Despite this flaw, however, I am looking forward to the “more detailed instructions” promised to follow in S’more 201. Do you think that includes the introduction of additional ingredients? Because a thin layer of peanut butter spread beneath Graham Cracker Sheet #1 makes for an awesome advanced s’more.

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2 Responses to “S’more 101 T-shirt”

  1. 1
    Jennie says:

    It’s not just you. I construct my S’mores with the marshmallow on top of the chocolate as well =)

  2. 2
    oakling says:

    Huh. My logic was always that if the chocolate were on top, it would melt over the marshmallow better. On the other hand, I haven’t made one in YEARS and it does seem like having the chocolate on the bottom would make for better balance.

    Also, how awesome is their little act in that picture?

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