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Candy Games: Indiana Jones Mint Crisp Challenge

Categories: Candy,Candy Games,Chocolate Candy,Limited Edition Candy,Mint Candy,New Candy

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M&Ms Indiana Jones Game candy chocolate

You’d have to be living in a cave to not know that the newest Indiana Jones film Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull will be opening in theaters on May 22nd, and about time too! It seems that advertisements, posters and other promotional ties are everywhere with my favorites being the the Mint Crisp M&Ms, along with the Snickers Adventure Bar that were released especially for the new movie. Now you can enjoy more Indiana Jones candy action with the game on the M&Ms website!

The premise is simple: you experience the excitement of Indiana Jones by playing either as Green, Red or Yellow while you explore the ancient Mayan Temple in search of their greatest treasure: the Mint Crisp M&Ms! It’s very cute, especially since I felt as if I had my own treasure hunt trying to find these in stores. I found this game to be like the Mint Crisp M&Ms, totally addicting! Give it a try and be sure to let us know if you succeed in finding the treasure.

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