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Candy Recipe: Chocolate Covered Caramelized Matza Crunch

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Chocolate Covered Carmelized Matzah Crunch

(photo from

Even if you are not Jewish, you must RUN to your nearest place-where-there-are-Jews and buy a box of matzah. You must then RUN home and make a giant batch of this stuff. Seriously. Trust me – it’s THAT good.

When pastry chef David Lebovitz posted this recipe several months ago, I bookmarked it out of loyalty to a fellow Jew-slash-chef. Anyone brave enough to claim that this was the stuff of legend, AND be baking it a full four months early, had to be on to something, right? The recipe then got lost in a sea of bookmarks, until such time as another food blogger posted her version of this and reminded me of its existence. I will freely admit that I cut and pasted the recipe that very second and abandoned my computer to go and make some.

By the end of the day, I had endured several burnt fingertips and was surrounded by a sea of chocolate-smeared napkins. Not because I am a particularly messy pastry chef, but because I am an impatient so-and-so whose nose and eyes could no longer handle the absolutely heavenly caramel smell and the shiny molten chocolate layer on top. I ate rather more of it than I originally intended, AND I ate it before it was technically ready to eat, hence the scorched skin. Luckily for me and my Seder guests, the recipe yields enough that I had some to serve on both nights and even a few scraps to give the kids in the days after.

In a word, this recipe is so superb, it is well worth my buying matzah out of season to make it. If it were commercially available, I’d call it Awesomely Addictive. Since it isn’t, I’ll just call it… Awesomely Awesome. Do yourself a favor and go make some. NOW.

For those wondering about the spelling of matza/matzo/matzah/matzoh, it’s just one of those things we can’t agree on. Kinda like Channukah/Hanukah/Hannukkah/Chanukka. Just go with it, okay?

Chocolate-Covered Caramelized Matzoh Crunch

Makes approximately 30 pieces of candy

4 to 6 sheets unsalted matzohs
1 cup (230g) unsalted butter, cut into chunks
1 cup (215g) firmly-packed light brown sugar
big pinch of sea salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup (160g) semisweet chocolate chips
1 cup (80g) toasted sliced almonds (optional)

  1. Line a rimmed baking sheet (approximately 11 x 17″, 28 x 42cm) completely with foil, making sure the foil goes up and over the edges. Cover the foil with a sheet of parchment paper.
  2. Preheat the oven to 375F (190C).

  3. Line the bottom of the sheet with matzoh, breaking extra pieces as necessary to fill in any spaces.
  4. In a 3-4 quart (3-4l) heavy duty saucepan, melt the butter and brown sugar together, and cook over medium heat, stirring, until the butter is melted and the mixture is beginning to boil. Boil for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat, add vanilla, and pour over matzoh, spreading with a heatproof spatula.
  5. Put the pan in the oven and reduce the heat to 350F (175C) degrees. Bake for 15 minutes. As it bakes, it will bubble up but make sure it’s not burning every once in a while. If it is in spots, remove from oven and reduce the heat to 325F (160C), then replace the pan.
  6. Remove from oven and immediately cover with chocolate chips. Let stand 5 minutes, then spread with an offset spatula.
  7. If you wish, sprinkle with toasted almonds (or another favorite nut, toasted and coarsely-chopped), a sprinkle of flaky sea salt, or roasted cocoa nibs.

Let cool completely, then break into pieces and store in an airtight container until ready to serve. It should keep well for about one week.

Bon appetit!

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7 Responses to “Candy Recipe: Chocolate Covered Caramelized Matza Crunch”

  1. 1
    Alex says:

    If life is like a box of Chocolate Covered Carmelized Matza Crunch, then its time for me to buy another box, I seemed to have already devoured all the good ones!

    Thanks for letting me comment on your site :D

  2. 2
    Kay says:

    Oh! Going to the local international food store after work to buy some matza/matzo/matzah/matzoh and making this tomorrow! Looks delicious….

  3. 3
    Julie says:

    My, my, this looks amazing and I’ve heard it is, indeed! It’s been quite the hit here in my hometown and I’m hoping someone I know will make some soon so I can have a taste. I don’t dare make this and be alone in a room with it…I have a “control issue” when it comes to stuff like this! :D

  4. 4
    Samuel says:

    The Chocolate-Covered Caramelized Matzoh Crunch recipe sound like one must make in order to test the taste. I wonder if this candy recipe is kosher.

  5. 5
    Samuel says:

    Great candy recipe! I think I might try it some day.

  6. 6
    Teddi says:

    I would love to try this version. I have been making this recipe for years with saltine crackers…in my family it is a holiday favorite known as ‘cracker candy’. It is delightful and always goes faster than I can crank it out! For those of you unable to find matza you can substitute a full sleeve of saltine crackers for the same results – it will cover an entire cookie sheet. It’s to die for!

  7. 7
    jgarrett says:

    I made some and my boyfriend can’t stop eating it. He jokes that it is all he is going to have for dinner all the time. I made my half with white chocolate and his with dark. I love the white chocolate version the best. Thanks for sharing this with us.

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