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Candy Review: Lollyphile’s Absinthe and Maple-Bacon Lollipops

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Gourmet Candy,Gross Candy,Lollipops,Weird Candy

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Absinthe Maple Bacon Lollipops Package

There are several ways people approach eating candy. One of the main two is nostalgia for a specific candy and the other is the adventure some candies offer; some people just like enjoying their tried-and-true treat from their childhood and others love to try the newest and craziest candy for the experience. As a true Candy Addict, I fall into both categories. That’s why I was especially excited to find a small box of lollipops from Lollyphile waiting for me on my porch when I arrived home from work a few days ago.

Why all the excitement about a bunch of lollipops, you ask? Well, these aren’t just any lollipops. These come in flavors you won’t find anywhere else: Absinthe and Maple-Bacon. By now you’ve either started to drool on your keyboard (hey, happens to me all the time) or you’ve scrunched up your nose in skeptical repulsion. When I first saw the two flavors, I did both.

The flavor I thought was appealing right off the bat was the Maple-Bacon. I’ve had The Vosges Mo’s Bacon Chocolate Bar before and enjoyed it, so I knew the savory/sweet combination would be no surprise to me. I love maple candy with a passion, so it sounded like a winner to me. The Absinthe I wasn’t so sure of, since I knew it was an alcoholic flavor and I usually don’t like those too much. Regardless, I was in for the adventure of trying something new, so I eagerly put these to the taste test.

Absinthe Maple Bacon Lollipops

Absinthe: A good sized lollipop; it’s a good inch and a half round and 1/4 inch think. The color is a beautiful translucent spring green with a blueish sheen to it. The smell is sweet with no indication of flavor. Now, absinthe is that infamous “scary” alcoholic drink; the one that has been banned for the longest time due to its hallucinogenic effects. Visions of the green fairy from Moulin Rouge, roaring 1920′s cocktail parties and dingy opium dens come to mind when I think of this stuff, but none of it gives me a hint of what the flavor is. I’m not a drinker so I haven’t sought it out since it has recently been re-introduced into the market. I do recall a friend saying it was similar in flavor to Ouzo, a popular strong licorice flavored alcohol from Greece, so I went into tasting this thinking that it would be herbal, licorice-like and sweet.

And it is all those things and more! This tastes of licorice all right, and it’s great, because it doesn’t taste of just any licorice, oh no, but some of the best licorice I’ve ever had the pleasure of eating. The flavor is wonderfully complex for licorice and for a lollipop. It’s got a very strong herbal/licorice/molasses hit and underneath is supported by a nice strong sweetness that shifts from being anise-like, to citrusy then to fruity. At moments this tastes a little tart and has a slight burning sensation (I’m assuming that’s the alcohol showing there) then the flavor shifts and becomes very mellow and sweet. I love it!

Maple Bacon: The color is a light brown and the bacon chunks are visible. We’re not talking bacon bits either, oh no, you can see the randomly sized, meaty, fibrous pieces of bacon in these. The flavor is that of breakfast, it brings me back to Sunday mornings with my family with pancakes, maple syrup, blueberries and bacon. Except this lollipop doesn’t have, well, you know… the healthy stuff.

The maple is sweet and authentic in flavor, as is to be expected. The intensity is that of a grade A syrup, light and pure. The bacon is so fresh and tasty, it reminds me of how it is straight out of the frying pan, with bright meaty and salty flavors. The sweetness of the maple dominates the bacon’s savory notes, so it still works as a tasty lollipop. What can I say? I really enjoyed my pancake-less sweet breakfast escape.

So this candy adventure ended up being very tasty despite my “candy instincts” hinting otherwise. If you like to have taste bud adventures like myself, I recommend trying them. You may find that these will not only be an “adventure” candy, but possibly become your “nostalgic” candies too.

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6 Responses to “Candy Review: Lollyphile’s Absinthe and Maple-Bacon Lollipops”

  1. 1
    AntFan says:

    Herbal Licorice with a huge hit of a peppermint-like kick (without being pepperminty at all… the smelll burns your nostrils too) is a good description of Absinthe spirits (you can taste fennel, wormwood, and anise). I have had it… and did not like it, so I share my bottle with my friends (and enemies). It is an extreme version of Ouzo.

  2. 2
    Julie says:

    Dang, these both sound fabulous to me! I am not a fan of alcohol-flavored candy, so I’d've had the same hesitation with the Absinthe. Good to know it’s something I’d love since I love licorice so much! And hey, what’s not to love about maple and bacon? I grew up in New England where we’d go harvest our own syrup and boil it down, and my mom would cook bacon with our own syrup long before anyone was packaging it that way. Mmmmm! I gotta get some of these!

  3. 3
    Bonnie says:

    We tried to make bacon brittle recently and although we never quite succeeded we sure enjoyed the flavor combination! Got to try these to compare.

  4. 4
    Maya says:

    I am a vegetarian. Bacon bits in a lolly pop? No thanks.

  5. 5
    Amy says:

    This company is a complete rip off. Beware buyers!

  6. 6
    Paul says:

    The prices are a bit high–unless you get their newsletter, which has pretty regular price breaks. Generally at least 20%, although I’ve seen much bigger. The absinthe is definitely fantastic. If I have a complaint, it’s that their lollipops are now big spheres it’s sort of awkward to eat. It sounds like they’ve changed their bacon policy, however; I believe they were investigating faux-bacon, last I heard.

    Also, the website seems to have been in a bit of disrepair over the last couple months and I haven’t received a newsletter in awhile, so I’m not sure what the situation with the company is at this point…

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