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Candy Art: How Dracula Eats PEZ

Categories: Candy,Candy Art,PEZ Candy

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Dracula Eats Pez Candy

I’ve mentioned before my ongoing search to find cool ways to incorporate my love of candy into my home decor. We’ve found gummi bear lights, candy-themed furniture, candy-inspired pillows, and even chocolate coasters. Now all I need is a print of Count Dracula eating PEZ!

Granted, it’s not Halloween, but seriously, what’s wrong with keeping the spirit of eating candy alive every day on my wall? Especially when it’s the Count in all his PEZ-eating glory. He must be Count Chocula’s brother, since his tastes run on the sweet side. A terribly clever image both in subject matter and artistic execution. I’m sure you’re all screaming “I want it!” along with me.

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3 Responses to “Candy Art: How Dracula Eats PEZ”

  1. 1
    Bailey says:

    Not related to the post, but still: I just found this site when I was searching for dog names. And I absolutely love it. And I got lots of inspiration for dog names as well. :D

  2. 2
    chocoflyer says:

    LOVE this pic! OMG so funny- great one, would be great as a screen saver at Halloween time!

  3. 3
    Beans` says:

    This is the most amazing thing ever. I want one!

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