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Candy Review: Reese’s Whoppers

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Reese's Whoppers

Our good friends at Hershey’s are at it again – taking two favorite and much loved products and rolling them into one. In this case it’s the lovely malted balls of Whoppers and the peanut butter filling of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Original Whoppers are a small, crunchy malted milk ball covered with a thin layer of chocolate. These Reese’s versions are exactly the same thing, but the chocolate layer is replaced with peanut butter.

This product is another case of something with a lot of potential which just misses the mark. I busted this cute milk-carton inspired packaging open, threw a few of these in my mouth, chomped down and thought, “Oh.” That’s it. No declarations of my undying love for these, no desire to just pour the rest of them right down my throat (as convenient as the packaging would make that!).

My main issue with these is the peanut butter – or peanut butter “flavor” as Hershey’s calls it. I like it in the Reese’s products primarily because of their combination with the chocolate. In this case the flavor has to stand up on its own, and as a stand-alone flavor it’s not all that great. We recently wrote about the importance of the chocolate-to-peanut-butter ratio, and how well it works to create an irresistible product.

The Reese’s peanut butter filling is not a premium, quality ingredient in and of itself. When left to fend for itself minus its protective chocolate covering, that poor quality becomes very apparent. These just didn’t taste all that fabulous, leaving behind a slightly greasy, cheap peanut butter taste in my mouth.

I found myself wishing for some chocolate to elevate this product from very blah to very fabulous. So if you are a Hershey exec reading this review, please take this product and dip it in some chocolate. As it is, it’s not worth buying again. Adding a layer of chocolate over the peanut butter would make this into something which is truly one step closer to Nirvana.

Buy Original Whoppers Online:

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14 Responses to “Candy Review: Reese’s Whoppers”

  1. 1
    Brian says:

    To me, these taste EXACTLY like Cap’N Crunch cereal. Exactly. They weren’t nearly as good as I was hoping they would be.

  2. 2
    Murmer says:

    THAT’S IT!! I was wondering what that flavor was, I liked ‘em, actually. But yeah, peanut butter Cap’N Crunch, definitely the exact same flavor. Whew, I knew it was somethin’ I’d had before..

  3. 3
    lolita1006 says:

    not sure about the cap’n crunch flavor, but i definitely agree with the greasiness factor.

  4. 4
    Mandy says:

    Yuck… Why does every candy have to involve peanut butter these days? They need to start getting a little more creative while coming up with new stuff. :(

  5. 5
    Sarah says:

    You know…although you did not favor this too much, I LOVE peanut butter Cap’n Crunch, so I just may pick up a box. No worries, though…I won’t blame ya if I don’t care for it! I have been warned! LOL ;) Thanks for the review!

  6. 6
    Julie says:

    I was SO excited when I first spotted these in a WalMart here about 6 weeks ago. I loved the packaging and hey, I love Malted Milk Balls and Reeses, so I was expecting something pretty fabulous. I chomped and went, “Oh,” too. Dang. I kept chomping a few more. No better. I was really, really disappointed. I like the Strawberry Milkshake Whoppers a lot ( just had some tonight, as a matter of fact), so was having pretty high expectations with these as well. Eh. I didn’t buy any more and fully agree with you, Michelle: dip the suckers in some chocolate, for cryin’ out loud! THAT would be awesome, indeed!

  7. 7
    Susie says:

    I agree…wrong peanut butter to chocolate ratio. As a Reeses fan, I was very dissapointed. I brought them to work and others were pleased. Those that liked Whoppers more than Reeses seemed to be the fans…

  8. 8
    lindsay says:

    Not so sure about the combo, why ruin a good thing?

  9. 9
    KimJSCP says:

    I absolutely LOVE these. I am not a huge chocolate fan and these are my favorite candy. For those of you who are complaining, just buy something with chocolate. I mean, if you are really into chocolate, why would you buy candy without it and then have the gall to complain that it is not chocolaty enough? Same deal with Peanut Butter – if you don’t like it, why ever would you buy this candy?

    I always fantasized about getting Whoppers without the chocolate, not evening thinking about replacing it with peanut butter and these are far better then I could have imagined.

  10. 10
    NotShopWalMart says:

    Ok, where in the world do you buy these things? My wife and I do not shop WalMart, so where else can we find Whoppers Reese’s???

    I’m a mild Whoppers fan, but a huge Reese’s fan. I’m hoping for the best when I taste test.

  11. 11
    Lauren says:

    I found these in my local Walgreens. They were on sale in the movie theater style box. They’re okay. I’ll finish the box, but I won’t buy again.

  12. 12
    Stephanie says:

    I saw these in the store today and gasped, then, I was instantly disappointed by the fact that there was no chocolate… because of this fact, I did not buy them. I am glad to see i made the right choice and did not waste the money.

  13. 13
    Stephanie says:

    I agree, sarah I love captain crunch… hmmm… may be I’ll pick up a box… personally I prefer the eco panda cereal. Less sugar, healthier, same peanutty taste!

  14. 14
    Tommy says:

    Why not buy a box of regular chocolate Whoppers, a box of Reese’s Whoppers, and mix them up in the proper chocolate to peanut butter ratio?

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