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Candy Showdown: Cadbury Mini Eggs vs. M&M’s

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Classic and Retro Candy,Holiday Candy

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M&M's vs. Cadbury: Who Will Prevail?
In these turbulent times, not everyone has the time or inclination to contemplate the meaningful questions in life. There are just some questions that may be so complex, the average person just doesn’t want to take the time and form his own fundamental beliefs. We here at Candy Addict understand this, though, and so we’re going to lay it all out for you, and make these tough personal choices possible. Which is better: Cadbury Mini Eggs or M&M’s? Some may shy away from delving into this potentially explosive topic, but Candy Addict is not afraid. After all, to paraphrase the famous candy philosopher, Socrates, “The unexamined candy is not worth eating.”

In order to make sense of this timeless debate, we’ve broken down the confections into several vital components:


Winner: Cadbury Mini Eggs

First things first: these babies are chocolate candies, and chocolate has to be the first thing we consider. M&M’s/Mars chocolate may be pleasant enough, but there’s just no comparison to Cadbury’s creaminess. We also think the amount of chocolate is pretty awesome – why did Jumbo M&M’s have to be limited edition?!?!


Winner:Cadbury Mini Eggs

M&M’s may be bright and shiny, but Cadbury’s uniformity is strangely appealing.


Winner: M&M’s

No question about this one. I “researched” this conundrum at my local white-bread, mountain-town, Mom & Pop corner store. M&M’s came in Plain, Peanut, Crispy, Almond, Peanut Butter, and Dark Chocolate. Meanwhile, there was only the one type of Cadbury Mini Eggs. Would it kill them to throw some nuts in or something?

Candy Shell

Winner: it’s a tie!

Different though they may be, both candy shells are equally delightful. If it’s possible to achieve “pleasant chalkiness,” the Cadbury people have done it. There’s something more pure and sugary about the Cadbury shells. On the other hand, M&M’s shells are just classic. It’s not possible to put into words the sheer joy of sucking down the shell, only to get a kind of “skin” that also needs to dissolve before the burst of chocolate waiting inside.

… And the overall winner is… Cadbury Mini Eggs!!! Maybe it’s the narrow window of time these are available (if you could only get M&M’s two months out of the year, there would be rioting in the streets!), but Cadbury Mini Eggs are sweet little harbingers of Spring. There’s just nothing like biting through the thick sugar shell to reveal a giant hunk of creamy Cadbury chocolate. Congratulations, Cadbury, for all you’ve achieved!

Got some thoughts on this heavy philosophical matter? Oh, yes you do! Be sure to weigh in by leaving a comment below!

Buy Cadbury products online:

Buy M&M’s online:

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11 Responses to “Candy Showdown: Cadbury Mini Eggs vs. M&M’s”

  1. 1
    molly says:

    Actually, there are at least two types of mini-eggs – I received dark chocolate ones in my basket! I had no idea they existed until I opened the bag and noticed that there were no pastel colored eggs; instead they’re primary colors, and filled with dark chocolate!

  2. 2
    ajewel says:

    I freaking LOVE Cadbury mini eggs! I was crushed when my local wal-mart didn’t have them (what’s up with THAT?), but I found them yesterday for 50% off at the other grocery store in town (happy dance). [And yes, I am in that small of a town that we have a super wal-mart and a piggly wiggly and that's it. Back in October we didn't even have a Piggly Wiggly!]

  3. 3
    Cat says:

    There are so few perks to living in Canada that I thought I would add that we have more than two varieties of Cadbury mini eggs available here! Along with milk & dark varieties mentioned, we have Micro Mini Eggs (tiny versions of the real thing) and mini eggs with popping candy (think pop rocks) mixed into the chocolate. All yummy but you can’t really beat the original ones, so…this post was a moot point, really.

  4. 4
    lolita1006 says:

    of COURSE mini cadbury eggs are the winner. i can’t believe you thought this comparative analysis was even necessary!

  5. 5
    oakling says:

    POP ROCKS IN MINI EGGS?!?!?!?! MICRO MINI EGGS? I need to go to canada. Or at least hit up ebay.
    Also, I canNOT believe I forgot about dark chocolate cadbury eggs. Those things are freaking awesome. Maybe if I go to Target right away….

  6. 6
    julie says:

    Oh yeah, Cadbury Mini Eggs all the way (though I have a soft spot for Peanut Butter M&Ms and that’s right in my mouth, ha)! Love the comparison, Breanna, and yeah, why not a nut or something in there? Pop Rocks? I’d not have thought of that one! Micro Mini Eggs? I WANT SOME! Cat, let’s do a candy trade…whaddya want from here?

  7. 7
    laura says:

    god i wish cadbury mini eggs were available all through the year,they are definitely one of my top 5 favorite candys (and M&Ms are NO match)

  8. 8
    mikkis8 says:

    I love dark chocolate mini cadbury eggs; they’re amazing. So bittersweet with that chalky sugar shell…

  9. 9
    Jaime says:

    Cadbury Mini Eggs, hands down. I think M&Ms are among the most over-rated candy of all time. Just a pity they aren’t available year-round (at least in the U.S.), but then again, I’d weigh a lot more if they were! ;)

  10. 10
    Breanna says:

    Although M&Ms and I go back 58 years, I have to go with the Cadbury eggs because of the unique taste and unusual texture (I’m a Boston Baked Bean fanatic so the crunch goes a long way with me.) Bien escrito, mihija.
    Dr. Hunt

  11. 11
    GinsuVictim says:

    Of all the seasons, I’m always happiest when Easter gets here. I love Cadbury Mini Eggs (regular and dark)! Not sure if I love them more than Peanut M&Ms, but I love them.

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