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Catch Squishy Fishies Gummy Candy

Categories: Candy,Candy Gadgets,Gummi/Gummy Candy,Novelty Candy,Weird Candy

Squishy Fishies
Did someone say gummy sardines? If not, you should have, because the Squishy Fishies available on’s candy page are a hilarious idea and come in a whimsical plastic case.

I’ve never eaten sardines – gummy or otherwise – but I have marveled at the cool tins that efficiently package the dead fish. The Squishy Fishies container mimics a real sardine tin, and even comes with a key to turn to open the lid. I have to admit, I love this idea. I’m a sucker for tins (even if they’re not actually tin), and the fake sardine gimmick just seems like a whole lot of fun. Plus, the gummy fish are fruit-flavored, not fish-flavored, which makes the product much more appealing.

Sadly, for gummy candy fans, not even a full ounce of Squishy Fishies are inside each can, but I’m okay with that because I like the package so much. Plus, as the folks at point out, you can reuse the tin after the candy’s gone. For $2.29, I think the Squishy Fishies are a bargain. I’ve seen a lot less funny stuff for a lot more money, and the fake sardine tin would look great in my collection of random candy paraphernalia.

Buy Squishy Fishies Online:

gummy, fish, gross, tins, collectible

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4 Responses to “Catch Squishy Fishies Gummy Candy”

  1. 1
    cybele says:

    I thought the little box was super cute, but yeah, a kind of lame amount of candy.

  2. 2
    Jgarrett says:

    I love the tin and concept. I believe I will scope the shelves next time I\’m at Toys R Us. Thanks for the review. And thank you Cybele for informing us .

  3. 3
    oakling says:

    It’s a terrible waste if you really like the fishies, though, because what are you going to do with twenty tins? Great one-time packaging, but not long-term sustainable.

  4. 4
    null says:

    I use my empty container for my loose change.

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