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Easter Candy Review: Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg

Categories: Awesomely Addictive Candy,Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Holiday Candy

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Reese's Peanut Butter Egg

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are amazing, there’s no question about it. Who doesn’t have happy childhood memories of indulging in rich, peanutty treats at Halloween, birthday parties, or pressed into Christmas cookies? Yet most would say that Reese’s doesn’t reach its apogee of peanut-butter-goodliness but once a year; hold onto yourselves, Candy Addicts, for Reese’s Egg season is upon us.

That’s right. When the rest of the world watches for blossoming flowers and baby ducks, true Candy Addicts know Spring has arrived when the supermarkets stock a certain type of egg. An egg that promises sheer joy and decadence, all for under a dollar.

What is it about the Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg that makes it so vastly superior over other incarnations of Reese’s cups? It could be that it hits just the perfect peanut-butter-to-chocolate ratio. As we covered a few months ago, some scientists claim that more chocolate is better; however, true Reese’s devotees usually agree that the salty, rich peanut butter ought to be the dominant flavor.

Perhaps it’s the shape of the egg. The inviting soft curves are somehow more appealing than the standard, sharp-edged sides. Doesn’t it always seem like little points of the cup always crumble off or stick to the paper? Not the egg – it just slides off that little tray and sighs its way into your mouth.

Some people explain Reese’s Eggs’ irresistibility with the freshness factor. Remember how we tried some of those Fresh From the Factory Reese’s Cups? Are you dying to try a fresh Reese’s, but don’t want to shell out twenty-six bucks for the privilege? Well, how long ago do you think those Eggs were produced? We know they can’t have been made more than a couple of weeks ago (it wasn’t too long ago they were producing Valentine’s hearts, remember).

But really, the reason is irrelevant. The fact is, Reese’s Eggs are magical, and one of the most Candy Addictive pleasures of Spring. As you can see, we honor the Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg with the Awesomely Addictive Candy Award. You just try to get enough Reese’s Eggs this season, and you’ll get what we mean.

Buy Reese’s Online:

Reese’s, chocolate, peanut butter, Easter

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11 Responses to “Easter Candy Review: Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg”

  1. 1
    Sarah says:

    You’re right! I know Easter is here when I see these delicious chocolates! Yum!

  2. 2
    Brian says:

    My wife agrees too – these are her absolute favorite holiday candy!

  3. 3
    Bear Silber says:

    I want one of these so bad. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are my favorite candy in the whole world. Sadly I’ve never tried one of the eggs but they look truly amazing.

  4. 4
    Breanna says:

    Last night I caught the super-adorable “Let’s Get it On” Reese’s Egg commercial… Those Reese’s people sure know what they’re doing!

  5. 5
    oakling says:

    Hmmm. you know, they have to make a TON of those eggs; I’ve read (maybe in Steve Almond’s book) that they make stuff like this all year round in order to have enough for the holiday. So those eggs could be pretty old :-) I wonder if the date is on them anywhere?

    My girlfriend agrees vehemently about the peanut butter, the more the better. I think there’s a limit; the chocolate has to be in the right ratio to the peanut butter. The eggs are pretty good with that, but they make much larger peanut butter hearts that I find kind of intimidating!

  6. 6
    Justin says:

    Couldn’t agree more about the peanut butter ratio and awesomeness being in direct correlation. The King Size eggs (trees, hearts, pumpkins) with double the peanut butter are my favourite candies.

  7. 7
    Tracy says:

    Wow…the nostalgia factor just hit me harder than Chuck Norris on a bad day. I know some people prefer Cadbury Creme Eggs around Easter, but Reese’s Eggs were always my favorite. Reese’s in just about any form are welcome in my mouth. I never cared for the cheap jellybeans that would invariably show up in egg hunts growing up, but I would happily hunt down every single plastic egg I could find for the chance at some little pastel foil-wrapped Reese’s miniatures.

  8. 8
    fred says:

    Why doesn’t Reese’s (Hershey)make the eggs year round?!!
    The eggs are better than the cups. I too stock up with them after Easter. (The big eggs in the six or eight pack.)

  9. 9
    Julie Nicolay says:

    Y’know, if Reese’s made these all year ’round, we wouldn’t go so crazy for them at Easter, I’m guessing! I mean, sure, we’d still love them, for they ARE sublime (yes, sublime), with the perfect ratio of chocolate and peanut butter for my tastes, but if we could get them any time, well, they would then be common.

    Every Spring, I impatiently await the arrival of the Reese’s Eggs, and do over-indulge during the season of Candy Overload In Pastels (the religious among us call it Easter). Reese’s Pumpkins and Christmas Trees are good, yeah, but somehow, some magic formula has been created with the Easter Eggs that just WORKS. Maybe, too, it’s got something to do with them being the “original” egg. No other company’s candy eggs can ever compare.

    Like I said: sublime.

  10. 10
    Rachel says:

    I’m late. I know. But I just came across this article and started drooling and hoping that Spring comes early this year if it brings the Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg with it. Last year I became addicted to these devil eggs (not “deviled” eggs. LOL). I had the hardest time finding them when Easter actually rolled around (I bought several packages before the holiday) and when Easter candy went on sale, they were nowhere to be found. I usually stock up on the SweeTart Jelly Beans in Spring . . . those were hard to find on and after the holiday, as well . . .

    In any case, Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs are like cigarettes for me–I can avoid them for months at a time but as soon as I have one, I have to have twenty, then forty, then sixty–on and on until I can’t stand it any longer!

    I’m starving myself starting today so I can lose enough weight to gorge on these when they hit the store shelves again and I’m not spending any unnecessary money until I can drain my bank account on hundreds of peanut butter eggs.

    Maybe it’s a good thing they’re only around once a year.

  11. 11
    Cameron says:

    I LOVE these. But the eggs aren’t the only ones out there. The other day me and my dad picked up a few king sized Reese’s Trees, which were amazing.

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