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Candy News: Vehicle Runs on Chocolate BioDiesel Fuel

Categories: Candy,Candy News,Chocolate Candy

Chocolate BioDiesel Truck

A car running on chocolate fuel sounds like something out of Willy Wonka, doesn’t it? I can assure you that this fantastical sounding story is true: a group of UK researchers took a month long trip driving their way to Timbuktu in Mali, West Africa in a truck that runs on Chocolate biofuel. How cool is that?

The purpose of this chocolate powered vehicle was to raise awareness of alternative fuel options and to help eliminate carbon emissions. According to the article the fuel was made with waste chocolate from a manufacturer. Unfortunately, it doesn’t specify what the “waste” exactly is, but I’m curious to know what sort of chocolate would be considered “waste.”

I don’t know about you, but in the future I’d consider buying a car that ran on chocolate. That is until I ate all the chocolate and couldn’t get to work as a result. Oops.

travel, environment, chocolate

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5 Responses to “Candy News: Vehicle Runs on Chocolate BioDiesel Fuel”

  1. 1
    Brian says:

    Maybe they just use cheap chocolate – you know, that no-name chocolate wrapped in foil you get at Easter. I bet the emissions smell great!

  2. 2
    oakling says:

    WHAT?! HOW!?
    My ’82 Mercedes runs on biodiesel, but just from waste vegetable oil diverted from the landfill. I guess that is as good as it is likely to get in North America… but there ARE a lot of local chocolate producers… hmmmm.

  3. 3
    ibb says:

    How about Palm Oil biodiesel – we use palm oil to make biodiesel in Malaysia!

  4. 4
    Biodiesel Processor says:

    Very cool, I build biodiesel processors which turn waste vegetable oil into biodiesel. I can imagine how it would work with chocolate, thats really really neat. It is really amazing how simple the process is, as well as saving the customer $2-3 per gallon at the pumps. Algae biodiesel looks even more promising. As the other poster said, we just need to keep moving in the right direction.

  5. 5
    Hanna says:

    we should patronize the use of Biodiesel because it is a renewable source and fossil fuels would soon be depleted.

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