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Nothing says love like a chocolate fish

Categories: Candy,Chocolate Candy,Holiday Candy,Novelty Candy

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chocolate fish

I saw this on the shelf in the Valentine’s Day candy aisle in Walgreen’s today and just had to laugh. It’s made by R.M. Palmer and it’s a rather large fish-shaped chocolate wrapped in fish foil that makes it look just like a fish. I believe one was a bass and one was a trout – though I’m not positive; I’m not a fish expert. The milk chocolate fish comes with your choice of two different sayings: “You’re A Keeper” or “I’m Hooked On You.” I have to believe these are for women to buy for men. I can’t imagine a woman appreciating a chocolate fish. Sure, it’s chocolate, but it’s a fish! It even comes in a package that looks like it’s mounted on a wall!

chocolate, Valentine, fish

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7 Responses to “Nothing says love like a chocolate fish”

  1. 1
    JEP says:


  2. 2
    Julie Nicolay says:

    Well…I have some women friends who absolutely LOVE to fish (not me – no way unless I’m lost in the woods and can’t find enough parts of a pine tree to eat)! They’d be really happy getting one of these; I mean chocolate AND a bass? Whoa! And they could tell what kind they were, too (which is nice for them, I’m sure).

    But I’m thinking that yeah, the folks at Palmer were banking that men would be the prime recipients of these. ‘Course most guys would pass up the chocolate, making the women that bought it very happy, indeed…kind of like that reverse deal where the guy buys his girl a new drill!

  3. 3
    Chuck says:

    I just wanted to say that you have a fun and creative blog. Well done!

  4. 4
    boit70 says:

    While the concepts that the company comes up with can be cute (not that this fish is cute – it’s dumb) Palmer is the worst Chocolate I have ever personally tasted. Horrid, heinous stuff.

  5. 5
    dana michelle says:

    I came across these in my local grocery store and thought they were so cute I bought both versions for my husband. I’m going to give him one on Valentine’s Day and the other on his birthday in March. I was trying to find a picture of it on the Web to show someone at work, and came across your site.

    I agree that Palmer isn’t very good quality chocolate (although it IS chocolate, so it’s still edible in my book!) I just thought he’d get a kick out of them, and they were less than a couple bucks apiece.

  6. 6
    Kim says:

    Can you believe I received one? I looked at it, looked at him and asked who it was for. LOL It was for me! You’re a keeper! We laughed about it all night and I brought it to work to keep on my desk. I guess I’m a keeper :)

  7. 7
    Jeni says:

    I bought this for my dad, and he laughed SO HARD!!! We still haven’t eaten it.

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