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Candy Review: Theo’s 3400 Phinney Bars

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Gourmet Candy

Theo 3400 Phinney Chocolate Bars

Sometimes you’re lucky enough to have the opportunity to discover a good chocolate or candy right away. Others, it’ll take you time to finally get around to finding them. The latter was my case with Theo Chocolate. Since they’re located on the total opposite coast from where I am, I was so happy to hear that they were to be at the New York City Chocolate Show. I’ve heard wonderful things about their chocolate and I very eager to try it.

Let’s just say I’m impressed with their work. Theo is unique because they oversee their entire production process: roasting, blending and conching in order to coax out the distinctive flavor imparted by each unique growing region. It’s rare that a company has such control and as a result, Theo has won numerous awards for the chocolate they produce.

At the show, Theo had ample samples on their table so I seized the opportunity to try it all. I started with their regular chocolate bars, tasting a little of the Theo Ivory Coast Dark Chocolate Bar 75%, the Theo Blended-Cocoa Ghana-Panama-Ecuador Dark Chocolate Bar 75% and the Theo Ghana Dark Chocolate Bar 84%. I don’t have any exact tasting notes on me since this was all eaten on the floor, but I found each bar different from one another, and all three had very pleasant flavors with minimal to no acidity. Highly recommended.

Then I moved on to their 3400 Phinney line, which is named after the address of their chocolate factory. These bars are just gorgeous with their enticing aromas, unique flavors and beautiful artwork on the wrapper. Not only that, but these bars are made with organic, Fair Trade Certifiedâ„¢ cocoa beans from Panama, Ecuador and the Dominican Republic. Sounds good? Well, check out the flavors they come in: Vanilla Milk Chocolate, Chai Milk Chocolate, Coconut Curry Milk Chocolate, Bread and Chocolate, Dark Chocolate Nib Brittle and Dark Chocolate Coffee Dark Chocolate.

Here’s what I thought of the two sample bars:

Chai Milk Chocolate: Milk chocolate with a warming blend of chai spices and black tea. This bar has a wonderful warm spicy smell and has a soft break (it is milk chocolate after all). The feeling in the mouth so incredibly creamy, it’s just out of this world! The chocolate has a great milkiness to it, and it works so well with the chai flavor. Cinnamon and cardamom stand out the most and as the flavors linger, the floweriness of the tea leaves a clean finish. Marvelous.

Bread and Chocolate Dark Chocolate: An innovative twist on a traditional pairing, featuring dark chocolate with buttery, toasted artisan breadcrumbs and the perfect amount of salt. I was handed this bar because it’s one of the most popular in the line. It is a wonderful dark chocolate. It smells surprisingly buttery with a hint of molasses and cream. It melts beautifully on the tongue and that’s when the bread comes in. It’s more of a texture than a flavor, really. The crumbs provide a very fluffy grittiness (does that even make sense?) to the chocolate, but doesn’t ruin the smoothness of it. Once your attention is diverted from the bread, you notice the saltiness. Man, this is salty! It’s nice and that really enhances the sweetness of the dark chocolate, but wow. Salt. A unique flavor for sure and it works so well. I really enjoyed it!

I’m so happy that I got the opportunity to try Theo chocolates and I am totally hooked now. My expectations were really blown away by the quality and flavor of their chocolates and I simply cannot wait to have bars of the other flavors to indulge in. This is chocolate worth seeking out.

Buy Theo Chocolate Online:

chai, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, gourmet, bread, Chocolate Show

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2 Responses to “Candy Review: Theo’s 3400 Phinney Bars”

  1. 1
    Kiki Kane says:

    Thanks for the love Sera! The Chocolate Show was a blast. Best, Kiki htto://

  2. 2
    JEP says:

    I’ve seen these at my local Fresh Market—you have convinced me to try the Bread & Dark Choc :)

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