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Candy Review: Mirror Mints – Purse pleasing tins and tasty mints

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Gum,Mint Candy,Sugar-free Candy

Little i Mirror Mints
Recently we reviewed a mint that is completely made and marketed for men: Wrench Mints. Today, we bring you the exact opposite – Mirror Mints from Little i. What makes these so appealing to women? Cute pink packaging screams girlie-cute, but the one thing that puts these over the top is the mirror. Each tin has a built-in mirror so you can check your look while popping a mint.

littlei mintsThe mints come in variety of flavors like chocolate and citrus, but the review samples I got were all peppermint. The mints are sweetened with sorbitol and Splenda and are as good as any other peppermint you’ll find. Realistically though, you buy these for the packaging. I thought it was a cute idea and when I showed them to my wife she said it was an awesome idea and immediately claimed the review samples for herself.

They even have a tin that is specifically made to be reused as a business card holder. It fits business cards, has a built-in mirror, and comes with mints! Who could ask for more?

littlei business card holderLittle i also makes gum that come in similar mirror tins. The gum is sweetened with Xylitol and comes in original peppermint flavor. They also make an “energy” gum containing taurine and B vitamins. The gum containers also have mirrors in them and have the same “flip” dispenser.

If you’re looking for a great gift for a woman in your life, you can’t possibly go wrong with a tin of gum or mints from Little i. You can find them in more than 4,000 specialty retailers selling the line in the U.S. including salons, gift stores, stationary stores, spas, gourmet food stores – pretty much anywhere that women shop. All Target stores carry the Mirror Mints also. They can also be purchased online (links below).

Buy Little i Mints online:

mint, gum, cute, women, tins, feminine

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4 Responses to “Candy Review: Mirror Mints – Purse pleasing tins and tasty mints”

  1. 1
    ajewel says:

    The “business card holder” mints look like they could be a birth control pill holder! ;-)

  2. 2
    Randy says:

    (love the anti-spam measure)

    I haven\’t visited in a long time, so I\’m reading a good ways back into the archives.

  3. 3
    Ryan says:

    These are great, got some for the girlfriend . I recently found them in black as well for me. So its not just for the ladies anymore.

  4. 4
    Rachel says:

    Are there stores where i can walk in and purchase these Peppermint mints, I see that i can get them online, but I’d like to know if there’s a walk in store for these. Anyone seen them at retail stores?

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