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Black Dog Licorice Art On ABC’s Pushing Daisies

Categories: Candy,Candy Art,Licorice Candy

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Ken Bailey licorice dog
Is anyone else enjoying ABC’s Pushing Daisies as much as me? My wife and I thoroughly enjoy it – it’s quirky, odd, weird, and funny all at once. It’s like a good weekly Tim Burton movie.

I noticed in one of the episodes that Ned has a poster/print on the wall that says “Naturally Sweet Candy Chews” at the bottom but I couldn’t see the top of it. In the most recent episode, the one featuring a new candy shop (run by a character played by SNL alum Molly Shannon) that just opened across the street from The Pie Hole, I finally saw the whole print – the rest of it says “Black Dog Licorice”.

I Googled and found out that it’s a print by a Seattle artist named Ken Bailey. He specializes in combining cats and dogs with vintage advertising. The art in Pushing Daisies is just one example and many more can be seen and purchased at Ken Bailey’s website. I found some more of Ken’s art that mixes cats/dogs with candy:

Ken Bailey has said, “I love painting dogs and cats. I try to make my dogs and cats happy and humorous. I’m also quite food-oriented, so I enjoy putting food and pets together.”

Buy Ken Bailey Prints online:

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4 Responses to “Black Dog Licorice Art On ABC’s Pushing Daisies”

  1. 1
    Breanna says:

    The facts were these:
    –now I have a weird craving for taffy.
    –Pushing Daisies is awesome!

  2. 2
    Traci says:

    Pushing Daisies ROCKS. It’s brilliant.
    Haven’t watched this week’s epi yet. Ooh, can’t wait!

  3. 3
    Cruelty-free vegetarian store says:

    Pushing Daisies is appetizing.

  4. 4
    Jim says:

    I found this print in a Goodwill store recently, and not knowing what it was, passed on it. Two days later I just happened to see the exact same print while watching one of the Pushing Daisies discs, so I went back to the Goodwill store and found it was still there. Bought it, framed it, and it’s now on my living room wall! :)

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