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Candy Addict’s Guest Writer Week

Categories: Candy,Candy Addict Site News

Are you looking to showcase your elite writing skillz on a website that gets thousands of visitors per day? Well, now you have the chance. All next week, Candy Addict will be featuring articles written by you, our fans and loyal readers. If you think you’re up to the task, use the contact form to submit an article on any candy topic of your choice. The only restrictions are that your topic should be new and not one we have already covered on Candy Addict, the writing you submit is your own, and the writing you submit has not been published elsewhere on the web.

What’s in it for you?

  1. 5 minutes of fame
  2. If you have your own blog/website, we’ll link to it in your guest post and send you tons (ok, some) traffic from us
  3. If you really knock our socks off, you just might land a position on the staff and all the money and free candy that entails

For your article, you can do a review of a candy, reminisce about a favorite candy from days gone by, write about current trends in candy, or report on current candy events in the world. The choice is yours. Just write the text; we’ll do all the dirty work of formatting it. If you have/take pictures, include those too.

So, that it – let’s see if you have what it takes to make it in the high profile world of candy reporting!

Fine print: All submissions that are published on the site become the property of Candy Addict. You will always be credited as the writer though. Submissions will be accepted until Sunday, December 2, at 12 midnight EST.

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One Response to “Candy Addict’s Guest Writer Week”

  1. 1
    goodbyeohio says:

    woo! one of my favorite websites looking for content? no doubt, my submission is in! i want in on the superstar candy lifestyle.

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