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Candy Review: Peppermint Peeps

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Holiday Candy,Mint Candy,New Candy,Soft Candy

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Peppermint Peeps
Having a popular candy blog does have its rewards. One of them is unexpected free candy in the mail. Today I came home to a package from Just Born, makers of Peeps. Inside was a package of brand new Peppermint Peeps, coming soon for the Christmas holidays.

I have to be honest though – I have never been a big fan of Peeps. I don’t hate them, and can eat them if I must, but they aren’t something I’d ever buy for myself to eat. They’re just not really my thing. I’m also not crazy about candy cane peppermint flavor either. If I buy something minty, I usually go for wintergreen or spearmint. So I wasn’t sure about the Peppermint Peeps.

I received a package of nine Peppermint Peeps stars. Each star is white and is “adorned with shimmering red sparkles.” I took a cautious bite to see what I had gotten myself into. They were soft. Incredibly soft. Like a pillow. Companies usually only send super-fresh candies to review, and Just Born definitely made these fresh. The peppermint flavor is very nice – it’s not overpowering at all and the marshmallow flavor still comes through. The outer coating is crunchy, grainy, sugary, and pepperminty. If I’m not mistaken, the peppermint flavor is only on the coating and not throughout the marshmallow – if that matters.

The Peppermint Peeps are pretty good! I still won’t be buying these for myself, but I can’t fault anyone for buying these to munch on. One of the things I learned from the pamphlet they sent with the Peeps is that 30% of Peeps consumers use them for crafts. I had no idea. I Googled “Peeps crafts” and it says over 1.7 million pages. That’s a lot of Peeps crafts.

Look for Peppermint Peeps on store shelves for this coming Christmas season.

Buy Peeps online:

Peeps, Just Born, marshmallow, peppermint, mint, Christmas

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11 Responses to “Candy Review: Peppermint Peeps”

  1. 1
    phillygirl788 says:

    The super market near me is already stocking a few Christmasish candies. I hope they get the peppermint peeps soon. I love peeps :D

  2. 2
    Sera says:

    I am not a big Peeps person either and am not big on peppermint, but I really liked these! They did a great job!

  3. 3
    JEP says:

    I have never liked Peeps & don’t plan to buy any. Seems like many people do enjoy them, tho’—thanks for your review!

  4. 4
    maryA says:

    mmmmm sounds good

  5. 5
    Average Jane says:

    I’m a big Peeps fan, but I like them a little stale and chewy rather than soft. I bet these would be great after a few days with the package left open.

  6. 6
    Meaghan says:

    Wow! These would actually be delicious (most likely) floating in a hot mug of cocoa! Minty cocoa! Scrumptious!

  7. 7
    Michelle says:

    Wow, I really need to look for these. They sound delicious and the idea of floating them in hot cocoa, brilliant!

  8. 8
    Gracie says:

    These sound so good! I love Peeps!

  9. 9
    Goob says:

    I can’t wait to get some of these. And yes it not being throughout the peep and just being on the outside matters. I love the strawberry flavored Valentines day ones (which I didn’t get this year boo) the cookie flavored gingerbread ones etc. They are my favorites. I agree with Michelle, these sound great with a nice hot creamy cup of cocoa :)

  10. 10
    Lin M. says:

    Of course in the small town that I live in we do not have any stores who carry the peppermint Peeps. I bought 1 package while out of town today ( a 2 hr. drive) just to see how I liked them, got home, tried one & I ABSOLUTELY LOVE them!!!!! Of course, since I can’t get them! MUCH better than the original Peeps, also, by the way- I also like mine to be a little stale!

  11. 11
    sweet-tooth says:

    I absolutely Love Peppermint Peeps. I bought one package for Christmas just to see what they were like and OMG!! I went back to the after Christmas sale and bought up all the Christmas peeps they had (30 packages to be exact). These are definitely a winner for me. I’ll eat the other peeps and they’re ok but these are great!!

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