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Candy Review: Reese’s Whipps

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Reese's Whipps
It’s a sad day when a friend and I sit down to excitedly rip into a new candy, only to take a bite and realize we share the look of disappointment. I like most Reese’s products, so I was pumped about trying their Whipps bar. I’m still sad about the disappearance of the limited edition Elvis Reese’s Cups, and was hoping that Whipps would help me along in the grieving process. I should have stuck with fond memories of the Elvis Cups and looked elsewhere for comfort.

The basic premise of Whipps is that it’s a lower-fat-than-average candy bar combining the usually unbeatable flavors of chocolate and peanut butter. I’m not sure how the candy inventors at Reese’s could get something so wrong, but they did.

The chocolate coating on the 1.9 oz Whipps bar is too thin and almost tasteless, and the nougat is akin to the fluffy filling in a 3 Musketeers bar, but grainy and peanut butter-flavored. The only tasty part of the Whipps is the thin ring of Reese’s peanut butter between the chocolate and nougat, which hardly makes the bar worth buying.

After finishing the Whipps, I felt unsatisfied and craved a Reese’s Cup (maybe that’s a great marketing ploy!). What’s the point of eating a candy bar with “40% less fat” if it doesn’t taste good? If I want something sweet with less fat than most candy bars, I’ll eat an apple – not a Whipps bar, which, lower fat or not, packs a hefty 230 calories.

Buy Whipps online:

Reese’s, chocolate, peanut butter, nougat, less fat

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13 Responses to “Candy Review: Reese’s Whipps”

  1. 1
    Shopping Jen says:

    Seems like everyone either hates the Reese’s Whipps, or loves them. The difference most often seems to come down to the texture – some people want a more substantial chew, others like the smooth, fluffy stuff.

    Me, I liked the Whipps, at least partly because it had the texture of a 3 Musketeers bar. Musketeers were once a favorite of mine, until they changed the recipe in the 80′s. They never tasted the same since, and I’ve never found anything that gave me the same fluffy texture. Until Reese’s Whipps.

    For what it’s worth, you can see my review of the Whipps here:

  2. 2
    Terry says:

    I’ve only heard negative press about this bar. Shame really because I’ve never had anything from Reese’s that hasn’t been superb, but I guess every company slips up sometime.

  3. 3
    ella says:

    MUST find and hold onto some of those Elvis Cups! Hated the whipps, but hoped to love them – as I am a Reese’s lover…

  4. 4
    Victoria says:

    Happy day! I went to Barnes, a local supermarket, and the Elvic cups were at the checkout for 70 cents each! Kinda pricey, but I couldn’t resist.

  5. 5
    Liz says:

    My sister and I both LOVED these, but I guess we had better enjoy them while we can. Seems unlikely they’ll be a permanent fixture.

  6. 6
    Carrie says:

    I thought it was okay, worth a try if you are a Reese’s fan. I agree with the comparisons to the texture of a 3 Musketeers bar which I don’t really care for. I thought the texture of the Whipps bar was improved after I slightly chilled the bar.

  7. 7
    LJ says:

    Oh really? I absolutley love the Reese’s Whipps! Mmmmm. I too hope they don’t up and disappear. I’m addicted!

  8. 8
    Mom2Cuties says:

    I LOVE Reese’s Whipps! It’s the best of both worlds, IMHO. Sorry you didn’t like them! I hope they stick around a loooong time.

  9. 9
    Tracey says:

    I adore the Reese’s whipps! But I also adore 3 Musketeers. yep, they’re very similar. Frankly, the Whipps are about the most perfect candy bar since Milky Way. But for all of you who hate them, fine – more for the rest of us!

  10. 10
    Roger says:

    I just ate one, and they BUH-LOW!!

  11. 11
    PSYOP says:

    I absolutely LOVE the Reese’s Whipps! IMO, the miniatures taste slightly better than the full-size bar, for some reason. I’m a big fan of the Fast Break, too, but I have to say these are my new favorite candy bar. I am kind of upset about the mockolate issue, though!

  12. 12
    Jeni says:

    I really don’t understand how anybody could dislike Reese’s Whipps… They are not the best candy bar in the world, but I thought it was very very good… like a combination of Reese’s and 3 Musketeers. What could go wrong?
    The second half of mine was eaten chilled (I left it in the fridge overnight) and it really upped the quality. It is a lot chewier, like a peanut-butter-flavored saltwater taffy. Yum! I’ll be buying one again. :)

  13. 13
    Jean says:

    To the point….Where is the peanut butter taste??
    Tried them 4 more..yuck!!

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