As a man, sometimes you want a mint, but you don’t want to carry around those wimpy rectangular tins. You want a man’s mint, something like a Wrench Mints. Wrench Mints are a new mint hitting Ace Hardware, Home Depot, and other similarly man-centric stores soon. They are clearly aimed at males judging by the wrench-shaped tins and the wrench-shaped mints, though I bet women would enjoy them too.
You might think these novelty mints would be lacking in the taste department, but not so. These are some tasty mints! They come in Peppermint and Cinnamon flavor and both are sugar-free. The Peppermint has a good strong mint flavor – not to the level of an Altoid, but they come pretty close. As for the Cinnamon, I freakin’ love the Cinnamon, but I’m a big fan of cinnamon candies anyway. I swear I’ve had cinnamon candy or mints that taste just like this, but I can’t recall what it was. Regardless, the Cinnamon is darn good.
I would definitely buy either flavor of Wrench Mints in stores because of the novelty factor, but more importantly, because they taste great. Look for Wrench Mints in manly stores soon.
I try to get my Christmas shopping done by the beginning of Dec. If I see these I’m going to buy a bunch! They would make perfect stocking stuffers for my Dad and brothers =D
October 16th, 2007 at 12:19 pmAnyone know which stores sell these? I’d like to get my cousin some, because he’s a mint addict and he’d find the wrench container extremely funny. I did :)
Please post on here if you’ve seen them around and which store and location. Thanks a bunch.
September 26th, 2009 at 4:01 pm