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M&M’s Wedding Cake

Categories: Candy,Candy Art,Candy Photos,Chocolate Candy

M n' M's Wedding Cake
Image from dahliascakes

When looking at this gorgeous wedding cake the first thing I thought was, “Thank goodness you can get M&M’s in single colors!” – because otherwise some poor person would have a heck of a time sorting out M&M’s (not to mention licking off enough red dye to get that pink… ).

This is another great example of how a simple candy can be used in elegant ways to produce real works of (edible) art. I wonder if the person who made this actually set it out in a grid before placing all the M&M’s on there, or just went for it! Either way, it’s a fabulous looking cake and probably tastes great, too – a fun twist on a traditional wedding treat.

wedding, cake, art, M&M’s, chocolate

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6 Responses to “M&M’s Wedding Cake”

  1. 1
    DreamyJen says:

    That’s such a great inexpensive way to make a unique cake!

  2. 2
    JEP says:

    That (almost) encourages me to get married again :)

  3. 3
    Dahlia says:

    Thanks for featuring my cake! I did develop a scale grid on graph paper when developing the design, to ensure that I wouldn’t be left with open spaces on the cake. And yes, it is nice that you can by the colors separately! While the candy may be inexpensive, laying them on the cake is very, very time consuming. Thanks again!
    – Dahlia

  4. 4
    Marie says:

    I love it! Very creative!

  5. 5
    LUUKMUU says:

    Wow !! Amazing great job

  6. 6
    Abby says:

    I can’t imagine taking the time, but look how great it turned out. It’s perfect for a Valentine’s Day wedding. I wonder how the other color combinations would change the look of the cake — that’s not my specialty. Thanks for sharing.

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