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Candy Addict Turns Two!

Categories: Candy,Candy Addict Site News,Candy Giveaways

Candy Cake

Today is Candy Addict’s two-year anniversary/birthday! We’re celebrating by giving away candy! If you haven’t entered the giveaways, go do it now. They’re open til midnight EST tonight.

So what have we done in two years? We went from a staff of one (me), up to a staff of 13 writers across the United States and we even have a writer in Australia and one in Japan! We have been featured and linked from numerous websites, been mentioned in many newspapers, been featured on TV once, been mentioned on some few radio stations, and I have even been interviewed on the radio. This year, we even got to go to the All Candy Expo, a Candy Addict’s dream come true!

Some current site stats:

  • 4,290 pages on the site
  • 5,006 reader comments posted
  • 220,000 spam comments caught (and removed)
  • Candy Addict ranks in the Top 5 on Google for the search term candy
  • 3,000 – 4,000 unique visitors a day

Many thanks go out to our regular readers and to all those who have linked to us and who have told their friends and family about us. We wouldn’t be where we are today without you. THANKS!

birthday, anniversary

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20 Responses to “Candy Addict Turns Two!”

  1. 1
    SarahLee says:

    Congratulations on your two year anniversary! Wishing you a very “sweet” birthday, and many more happy one’s to come! :)


  2. 2
    ajewel says:

    Happy Birthday CA! Ironically, I made my husband a candy cake for his birthday too!

  3. 3
    Bonney says:

    Have a sweet Happy Birthday!!

  4. 4
    phillygirl788 says:

    Happy Birthday Candy Addict ^_________^

    Now I want to make a candy cake! I think I’ll use string licorice to make the bows on top ^_^

  5. 5
    Nicole says:

    Happy birthday, Candy Addict!

  6. 6
    David says:

    Where can you get that Candy Cake??? Thanks.

  7. 7
    Dan Neitzel says:

    i love the cake but i see no whoppers or cinnamonbears

  8. 8
    Sera says:

    Happy Birthday CA!

  9. 9
    ajewel says:

    Oh, and Brian – we have until Midnight, but what time zone? ;-)

  10. 10
    phillygirl788 says:

    ajewel ^__^ In the “Candy Treasure Hunt Begins” post he said “it ends October 2 at midnight EST”! The treasure hunt is so exciting ^_^

  11. 11
    Jamie says:

    Hooray! Happy Birthday CA. :)

  12. 12
    hagirl62 says:

    Good gawd look at that candy, HB to u. Yummy!

  13. 13
    HART (1-800-HART) says:

    happy 2nd birthday! Don’t worry .. I’m not going to say..
    ~sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet … or anything cliche like that!

  14. 14
    Ladytink_534 says:

    Happy Birthday Candy Addict!

  15. 15
    JEP says:

    Love the birthday cake! I’m a new reader & you’ve hooked me to returning daily :)

  16. 16
    Julie Nicolay says:

    To the tune of, what else? “Happy Birthday!”

    “It’s your birthday; you’re two,
    You’re eating candy…whoohoo!
    But what’s even more cool
    Is that you’re sharing it, too!”


  17. 17
    mommytoharley says:

    Happy Birthday!!

  18. 18
    Emily says:

    Happy Birthday! :D

  19. 19
    Marvo says:

    Happy B-Day Candy Addict!!! May you never receive any cavities.

  20. 20
    Burns says:

    Happy birthday! Thanks for keeping us abreast of all that is sweet and such!

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